Clinton's last days as president.


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
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Haha, Clinton put together a funny 6 minute video of his last few days in the white house.

Well it's good to see he's got a sense of humour LOL
"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."
Gah, newbs read the posts. that particular one got taken down, and stardog posted alternate links.

heres for the lazy

Hehe that was actually not bad. Good to see some famous people have an actual sense of humour.
I wish i cared enough about politics when he was in office to pay attention. Sounds like he was a good president and a good person (besides that whole sex with Monica thing, but seriously... I almost like him better for it :thumbs:). All I've ever really known was Bush.
Clinton was my favorite president behind Kennedy, great video