Clive Barker Undying


Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
sense we all want a story line and chartcers to love...for those who don't know undying...your missing out on some juicy story!!

It takes place in the 1920's...A man named patrick is called by his friend who is on the edge of death. He claims to be haunted by his family...mostly his siblings



When patrick digs more into the history of his friends family...
he is faces with powers way beyond his control. A cycle has started and patrick can't find the anti-dot..

Undying lays out a story of family history repeating itself in a million ugly ways. The siblings *above* are each uique with tricky and deseciving whish they're father himself preformed on they're mother.

You'll find they're story sad but in the end will wish such tradgey never happened.

Clive barkers undying trailer
It's a great game, but never managed to finish it (thanks to huge maps).
Yeah it gets pretty staitc on a souple of levels quite the bugger
twas a fantastic game indeed... for its time of course :P
BTW, Twix was being sarcastic.

Oh, and ever since Jericho, I'm not buying any more Clive Barker games.
Schpelling, heh. That young lady at the top left has a face like Uma Thurman.
Great game, managed to scare the shit out of me when it first came out.

Now, not so much... but it still has a great atmosphere.
What I love most is the family..they are my favs