'Cloak of Silence' unveiled...

Haven't clicked the link, but I bet it's the same thing they use in noise canceling headphones. It's an awesome discovery. They use like the opposite sound wave to cancel it out or something like that? I heard a little about it.

I'm going to read about it now.

EDIT - Oh, this is something different entirely. It has some interesting applications
Haven't clicked the link, but I bet it's the same thing they use in noise canceling headphones. It's an awesome discovery. They use like the opposite sound wave to cancel it out or something like that? I heard a little about it.

I'm going to read about it now.

EDIT - Oh, this is something different entirely. It has some interesting applications

Reading before posting has its uses? :D Seriously cool tech btw...
Pretty neat, I need to wallpaper my house with this stuff.

But is it as effective as this?

Yeah they must use phasing to cancel sounds out. They already use this in expensive cars to make them quieter.
Yeah they must use phasing to cancel sounds out. They already use this in expensive cars to make them quieter.

That's what I thought too, but apparently, they are just redirecting the sound waves.
Does this mean you can hear through things?
Rings a bell some how, having a seperate compartment for the kids so you don't have to hear them

i think thats called destructive interference. where you destroy one sound wave with an exact opposite.
Its like ****ed up harry potter cloaks.
but without the invisible.
or anything.
It's gonna be cool to see this used in Recording Studios
It wouldn't really have any use in recording studios, they already have noise dampening walls