Clockwork orange costume


Feb 27, 2005
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For children in need next friday i have to get sponsored to get dressed up in a movie theme. Immediately i thought me and my mates could go as droogs.

I have a few ideas for what to do, such as white throw away overalls, a bowler hat naturally and a cane. Trouble is i'm not sure what to do for the cup area, i have a cup but nothing to hold it i was thinking maybe y-fronts but any ideas would be apprieciated also what to do about the cane i was thinking e-bay.

any ideas?

Here's one of my mates dressed up as Alex from Clockwork Orange. Except this is about 2 hours into the evening. Hence making him look a bit wasted. Also when I jumped on his back I crushed the bowler hat.

cool what are the bits and pieces mostly the crotch piece

Codpiece is a pair of Y fronts with a pair of socks stuffed down the front. Everything else is just white shirt, white trousers, steel-capped boots, suspenders and a bowler hat.
Yay Clockwork Orange costume!!

I did that one halloween, but I didnt have the cod piece. It was really just a white painters suit, bowler hat, boots, and the cane. Then the makeup is pretty easy so have fun with it!!
What u could do is get a cricket box (the hard thing that u shove down ur pants) and wear that inside y fronts.
I got a cup just need a cane and bowler hat now, gonna try and borrow them from the school's drama dept.
Why not be original and dress up like Mr. Alexander, everyone does the Alex costume
When I did it, I made a cup out of polystyrene bowls and grey card. Also, I used ping-pong balls and acrylic paint for the eyeballs on his cuffs. I should have been writing my dissertation :D