Clone your Cat now

Sep 17, 2003
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Genetic Savings & Clone will clone your cat for you.For the first time, GSC can now offer commercial cat cloning with a very high standard of health and physical resemblance between genetic donor and clones, thanks to our new chromatin transfer (CT) technology. We've just produced the first two cloned kittens by CT, both of which are healthy and normal after being born June 10 and 12.

For the small fee of $50,000 USD you can clone your favorite feline friend. Starting in 2005 you will be able to clone your dog too. Eight of the nine spots of the ''Nine lives extravaganza'' are already taken so hurry up and put your order in today.

its only a matter of time before some mad scientist clones a human.
I would clone my cat, but I think the universe would implode with that much cat conentrated in one place....Its quite a fat cat. I've put it on a diet in fact. I.e Im not going to feed it, everyone else can but I wont. Im also throwing it out more.

Anyway, a cloned cat would (as has been said before) be completely different to the previous cat, apart from its genetic makeup.
I will not do that whit my cat or my dog
in my opinion is rare and weird
I will feeling like not leting my pet rest in peace
but sure are people that will accept

EDIT: wow thats trully real
but think about that the clone will not be the same
I wish this service would've been available earlier (not to mention a lot cheaper) so I could've cloned my sick ol' dog. Damn, I miss him. ;(
save a life, adopt another one me it makes getting over your loss bearable (I'm on my third dog)