Club 3D ATI Radeon 9600 XT 256 MB Overclocking


Jun 13, 2004
Reaction score
My system:

Club 3D ATi Radeon 9600 XT 256 MB
AMD Duron (Socket A) 1,8 Ghz
MSI KT4A-V (with VIA's chipset, unfortunately)
768 MB of Kingston's DDR400 RAM.
Windows XP SP1.
Newest Catalyst drivers.

Hi,I'm having some problems regarding my gfx card mentioned in the title. I had been unaware of ATITool until today and I decided to try overclocking my Radeon. ATI Overdrive feature had already overdriven the card's GPU into 526 Mhz and I wanted to pump up the Mhz's from there.

So I went adjusting, carefully keeping an eye on the 9600 XT's built-in temperature sensors. I didn't get even over 50 degrees when the GPU froze and recovered thanks to GPU Recover. I've now tried all kinds of readings between 526 and 575 Mhz and they all seem to crash.

Anyone know if I just have a sucky card for overclocking purposes or am I doing something wrong?

Anything that has XT in its name shouldn't overclock much, they're already pumped up PRO. Plus, you probably weren't lucky. Hum, try 527 and tell us if it works.
Well, using ATI Tools's Artifact Scan ( graphics error scan ) I finally achieved Core 520.45 Mhz and memory 325.95 as the most effective stable combination. Well, it did give me 10 extra FPS, so I ain't complaining.

Thanks for the info.
Turn overdrive off if you want to OC manually.