Clubland 5 : Awesome


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Has anyone else got this yet?

I can't believe how awesome this clubland is, it could possibly be the best yet... :D

The oldskool remixes on CD 1 are just awesome, especially Special D's "Nothing I Won't Do"

Jebus this is getting blasted at full volume tomorrow :D
I don't know the cd's, but I do know from what I've seen in clips that Special D is an annoying little prick.
Who cares, the music is great... and that is my opinion - so any of you flamers out there with different tastes just don't bother being so immature as to flame my taste in music, I don't flame yours.

lePobz said:
Who cares, the music is great... and that is my opinion - so any of you flamers out there with different tastes just don't bother being so immature as to flame my taste in music, I don't flame yours.


Who's flaming who? I'm not, and I'm certainly not questioning your taste in music. I just said he's annoying as hell.
Oh I know you aren't, I was just adding that as a side note in anticipation for the usual forum trolls that have a lower than average IQ and like to flame things to make themselves look big :)
lePobz said:
Who cares, the music is great... and that is my opinion - so any of you flamers out there with different tastes just don't bother being so immature as to flame my taste in music, I don't flame yours.


*flame flame*

I'm just wondering, do you sit at home an listen to it? I can understand it in clubs, but I could never just listen to it.
Clubs, Cruisin, Home (Z680s) :D Good stuff to have on whilst doin stuff, like mapping.
Woah, this cd was better than i thought. Summer music :)

Lets get the 12" bases going!

/me donces
lePobz said:
Who cares, the music is great... and that is my opinion - so any of you flamers out there with different tastes just don't bother being so immature as to flame my taste in music, I don't flame yours.


I cast level 5 flame bolt!!!! *Pow*

Now I cast level 6 fiery death!!!! *woosh*
I've seen the ads for it and I like it. I've got a few of the tracks but I want the rest so I'll buy it next time I'm in town.
For how much did you get it? just got my money and all =)

Special D's nothing I wont do clip is haawt =)), I wonder if he makes his own music tho...