CNN poll:should sony withdraw violent videogame

I said no. Like the spokesperson said, it's game-created footage, not video or photos of the church. In other words, it's not the church at all, just a replica.
It's ****ing ridiculous, I don't give a **** what the church think, why the **** is it front page news on the BBC website?
As a British citizen, the church intrudes on my life all the time, in my democracy, in my schools, in my media. I'm going to intrude on their church. I'm considering making a map for HL2 with the church in and a button that blows it up, I bet it would make front page daily mail headlines, but I'd probably get arrested for terrorism.

Someone in a rouge state please do it.
This is ridiculous. I was watching a story about it on the news. They had interviews with all these church people saying how this was an awful violent video game and the level of violence was completely unacceptable etc. and I just kept wishing that the reporter would ask them if they'd actually ever played the game.
It's ****ing ridiculous, I don't give a **** what the church think, why the **** is it front page news on the BBC website?
As a British citizen, the church intrudes on my life all the time, in my democracy, in my schools, in my media. I'm going to intrude on their church. I'm considering making a map for HL2 with the church in and a button that blows it up, I bet it would make front page daily mail headlines, but I'd probably get arrested for terrorism.

Someone in a rouge state please do it.

wait, you say you dont like when a organization get involved in something of your life?

who are you and what you did whit solaris?
wait, you say you dont like when a organization get involved in something of your life?

who are you and what you did whit solaris?
Solaris has been assimilated.

We are borg.
"Every year we invite hundreds of teenagers to come and see the cathedral and it is a shame to have Sony undermining our work."

"This is an important issue. For many young people these games offer a different sort of reality and seeing guns in Manchester cathedral is not the sort of connection we want to make."

It's rated Mature by ESRB, isn't it? (so the only ones who would be "undermined" are the 18-19 crowd) D:
what about the jesus bleeding whit his arms and legs nailed in the cross?
thats not so family firendly,it can cause the kids to cruxifice theyr litle brothers
They probably haven't even played the game.
If I was them I'd shut up and organise paintball matches inside the cathedral.
what about the jesus bleeding whit his arms and legs nailed in the cross?
thats not so family firendly,it can cause the kids to cruxifice theyr litle brothers

HAHA!! Brilliant! I am going to use that comment as my sig now!
I'm crafting a letter right now to the dean of the Manchester Church. I'll post it when I finish it. Don't worry, I'm being very careful with my words, but I simply cannot let this pass.
'cathedral shootout game'

I HATE the way mainstream press talks about video games.
So why didn't anyone ask them about all the violence the bible calls for.
To The Very Reverend Rogers Govender,

Sir, I found an article on the The Times Online ( ) which discusses the Manchester Cathedral's reaction to the game Resistance: Fall of Man. I found the response to be not only late, since the game has been on sale in Europe since March 23 and in Japan and the US since November 14 of last year, but also frivolous and unfounded. Not only is the game a representation of free speech, it is also a work of science fiction. I have to wonder if any of the people from your church actually played the game before making their statements. As I am sure you are aware, statements borne out of ignorance can be harmful not only to others, but also to the person who made them.
Sir, I understand that you are quoted saying "This is an important issue. For many young people these games offer a different sort of reality and seeing guns in Manchester cathedral is not the sort of connection we want to make."( ) I agree that it is an important issue, but not for the reasons you state. I do not know how much experience you have with younger people and video games, but, being a young person myself (I am 21) and also being someone who plays video games I can assure you that most people will not associate the church with violence and gunplay. It is a video game. It is merely an advancement of the print and video mediums. Video games are not a representation of reality and most people understand this. There is a very small minority that has a hard time distinguishing video games from reality, but they are so small as to be inconsequential.
Sir, though it may be hard to believe, I am a reverend myself and I can understand your trepedation when it comes to this issue. Even so, this is still a matter of free speech, which, I would hope you agree, is an incredibly important aspect to any democratic society. As a religious man I understand that the church is meant to promote peace, happiness, and goodwill. You cannot deny, however, that religion, particularly Christianity, is distanced from violence itself. On the contrary, violence is inherent throughout the Bible and is discussed with some regularity in sermons at various churches. The crucifiction of Jesus Christ was an incredibly violent and brutal act, though it is also a source of hope and redemption. Along with this there are several instances in the Bible where God acts out his displeasure with humans in very violent ways including wholesale slaughter. If you want examples, I will be happy to provide numerous ones, but I am sure you already know which ones I am talking about.
In conclusion, I do not think the game has had a negative impact on your church at all. If anything your recent statements have had more of a negative impact than the game ever did, since they have been spreading quickly throughout the gaming community and serving to cause gamers to rally behind the medium. I am sure that I have left out many things and that I may need to elaborate more on certain points to make myself more clear, but I hope that you read this email and think about what I have said. I am not calling for any action against your church or even telling people they should stand against your actions, words, or you. I am merely stating my opinions and various things I have learned over the years. I would be most grateful to recieve a response on this issue and I will understand if it takes some time, as I am sure you are a very busy man. Still, I would ask that you do not simply skip over this and think that it will be forgotten about.
Thank you very much for your time and I wish you well.


Reverend Jason K. Brown

Hopefully he responds, but I can't say I'm expecting him to.
I'm actually a Reverend, I was ordained online for shits and giggles a few months ago ;) you can call me Reverend Ennui.

In regards to this topic, I have two things to say.

One: Seperation of church and state, free speech, lack of factual basis = no legal grounds.

The bishop of Manchester, the Rt. Rev. Nigel McCulloch, said: "It is well known that Manchester has a gun crime problem. For a global manufacturer to recreate one of our great cathedrals with photorealistic quality and then encourage people to have guns battles in the building is beyond belief and highly irresponsible."

I'm pretty sure that of all people that could be justified in calling something "beyond belief", a church official is not one of them. Thus, they lack a valid rational basis to oppose it as well!
I'm pretty sure that of all people that could be justified in calling something "beyond belief", a church official is not one of them. Thus, they lack a valid rational basis to oppose it as well!

Anyway, Sony would get upset if someone used the insides of their HQ as the setting for a game without permission so why shouldn't the church? Respect of IP must be a two way thing.
I want a game where you can get in a shootout with god and kill him/her/it. I'd love to see their faces when they hear about that.
I can't even begin to describe my confusion when they showed that picture of that 12yo kid who got killed and then a Mothers Against Violence (But Probably Pro Banning) [MAV(BPPB)] spokesperson saying that this is completely not done. I mean, how can you even in the slightest way have a video game that has the Manchester church scene (And I was SORELY disappointed about the ingame quality of the video, I was hoping to see at least something distinguishable) in it and to which the church reacts suddenly turn into a debate whether this is directly an ethical critique on PEOPLE GETTING KILLED IN MANCHESTER? :|
Why bring this up now? HUGE WTF! and D:

Anyway, Sony would get upset if someone used the insides of their HQ as the setting for a game without permission so why shouldn't the church? Respect of IP must be a two way thing.

I highly doubt that
Imho if someone used the inside of Sony's headquarters for a game they'd be fine with it. Or at least that's what I think about most game companies.
Yeah, the church don't do anything wrong at all *coughabuseschilderencough*