CNN's Take on the Gold Announcement and Half-Life 2 X-Box

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
After much of the excitement today is gradually drawing to a close (yeah, right), CNN have posted a nice article about Half-Life 2 going gold. Also in the article, which may interest some of you, they talk about the X-Box version of Half-Life 2:
Interestingly, Lombardi refused to say whether the console version would be available for the current generation Xbox or the upcoming Xbox 2 (which analysts and publishers expect to hit retail during the 2005 holiday season) when asked. Along with the recently released "Doom 3," "Half-Life 2" is one of the most graphically intensive games to ever come out for the PC -- and the game would look dramatically different on a next gen console.
You can read their full report, here.[br]
Thanks to Valve's very own Kristen Perry for letting me know of this news!
I dont know, VALVe giving you heads up on stories! pfft arent we good enough for you anymore ;)
Dramatically different? As in worse? Hmm, I remember Halo looking just as fine on PC as it did on XBOX.
Hey guys Doom 3 went gold!!
Im pretty sure what their saying is, it would be alot better (dramatically diffrent) on the xbox 2 compared to xbox 1. Xbox 2 when it comes out will probally have all the newest pc parts available (to a degree). And it will be fixed so they can get the most preformance out of it. Im sure it willl be better then any pc when it comes out initially, but I say in about 4 months (as fast as the pc world is updating these days) there will be a pc out that can out preform it.
Well, since Xbox-2 will use ATI (and 3DC), and ATI is in bed with Valve, it's not much of a stretch to see this coming.