CoD 2 Main Character a real person? (Russian campaign)


Nov 1, 2004
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I was watching a documentary on youtube about Stalingrad and they mentioned a general called Vasily. Im currently replaying CoD2 and it reminded me of the character in CoD2 named Vasily. I went to wiki and found out that there was another soldier (sniper) that was named Vasily.

"He killed 225 soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht and other Axis armies, including 11 enemy snipers. Prior to 10 November, he had already killed 32 Axis soldiers with the standard-issue Mosin-Nagant rifle.

In the popular PC game "Call Of Duty II," you play the Russian campaign as a young soldier named Vasili Ivanovich Koslov. This character is believed to be a representation of Zaytsev. In the game when you play as Vasili, you are given a Mosin-Nagant rifle. This rifle was also Zaytsev's weapon of choice. Like Zaytsev, your character must fight through the city of Stalingrad killing Nazi infantry with a scoped Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle."

Just thought id throw it out there if anyones intressted, i didnt know that he character was inspired by a real person, i wonder if the other characters from the other campaigns are inspired too.
Cool :D

That is interesting and quite surprising
Watch the movie Enemy at the Gates, it's where Call of Duty got the inspiration for the Russian campaign.(atleast in the first one, the entire opening act for the Russian campaign was ripped right out of the movie.)
woha! Thanks for the heads up xlucidx, i watched the trailer and i will be watching the movie as soon as i can.
Watch the movie Enemy at the Gates, it's where Call of Duty got the inspiration for the Russian campaign.(atleast in the first one, the entire opening act for the Russian campaign was ripped right out of the movie.)

exact movie where i realized that, i was like o shit!

its amazing not alot of people thought alot of these people were real....i mean the majority of world war 2 games are true lol
I remember watching a documentary about Vasily Zaytsev right after Enemy at the Gates came out, cool stuff.
oh I picked up Enemy at the Gates on DVD for $5 a while back. It's a decent movie. I remember thinking - this looks just like CoD, but it had been so long since I played the game that I didn't realize how similar it was.
"He killed 225 soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht and other Axis armies, including 11 enemy snipers. Prior to 10 November, he had already killed 32 Axis soldiers with the standard-issue Mosin-Nagant rifle.
Holy shit, that guy had an epic kill:death ratio.
Zaitsev - Soviet propanganda, Enemy at the Gates is not historically accurate btw, it's based on the book 'War Of The Rats' - fictional. There is a book however called Enemy at the Gates which is about the battle for Stalingrad in general which is awesome.

Zaitsev no doubt was a real person and a good sniper but his achievements(his kills :P) were probably embellished by Soviet propaganda to raise troop morale.

Read Stalingrad(by Antony Beevor) and check the index for Zaitsev
Zaitsev no doubt was a real person and a good sniper but his achievements(his kills :P) were probably embellished by Soviet propaganda to raise troop morale.
I felt that was kind of implied in Enemy at the Gates, with the publishers using Vasily's profile to boost the public spirit.

Achievement Unlocked!

Ed Harris though, for a minute I thought it was Dennis Hopper.

I'll get me coat.
finished watching Enemy at the Gates, loved it! Amazing how they made the city scape look so realistic.