Cod Commandos in the hizzy!!


Jan 21, 2006
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Well you may have seen me on other source related forums,i also universally go by chris12138.I got banned from facepunchstudios(seems garry doesnt like it when you support other people making there own Gmod). So i needed a forum to vent my anger on hehe. P.S:whats a guy gotta do to get a descent avatar!


Ignore Cormeh, he seems to like being strange in Newbie threads.
Welcome, to our glorious republic, the best in the world.

Munro is watching you. For great justice.
Choose youre allegience or die trying!
Codcommando said:
P.S:whats a guy gotta do to get a descent avatar!
Get me some tranquilizers and I'll get you anything.

Sulkdodds said:
Die trying to choose your allegience? o_O

Well, if there's loads of options it can get very confusing. We don't all have your huge mental capacity, Sulk.
If you liiiike a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club.
you should get cool pink bunny avatar like me. it'll confuse enemies! annoy parents! shock and amaze friends!
and all that jazz.
the pink bunny pirate guy is a weird character...try to stay away from him
Kamikazie said:
the pink bunny pirate guy is a weird character...try to stay away from him
No! If I don't kill at least one NPC I'll constantly lose fatigue and then health :(

I mean, but I'm so friendly D:
forgot about that...
*breaks out MIB flashy thingy. uses it and says:
forget that last statement Cod, the pink bunny pirate guy is your friend

So, you go commando in the cod area? Talk to short recoil- he does to. At least his sig would lead us to believe so...
Codcommando said:
.I got banned from facepunchstudios(seems garry doesnt like it when you support other people making there own Gmod).
I noticed that. He goes pretty psychotic with bannings.

Welcome anyway. :)
I dont really wanna bump my thread up,but I have to clarify that the "cod" in my name refers to the fish,codcommando is a cartoon character! i am not a crotch commando! though I do enjoy going commando in the crotch region sometimes.its the only way I can sleep! :dork: