Cod: UO vs Farcry vs Doom 3


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
Well this isn't a "Vs" thread i just want to know what games better and i should buy.
I know i can run all of them, but i wanna buy one then the rest of my money will be for HL2.
What u guys think is the best one for me to buy?
Hmmm... Cod:UO might have more replayability with the Multiplayer and all. But I had a fun time going through Far Crys singleplayer..same with D3. Up to you really.
I think you need the original COD to play COD:UO, but what do I know.

Its a tie between Farcry and D3 for me.
far cry over doom3 for me, and if you have cod:uo is perfect for you becuase it's cheaper and adds a bunch of stuff to single and mp game and it's much cheaper than fc or doom3
If you have a NASA Super computer, then get Doom III, if you have a computer second to only guinny's computer, get Far Cry.
I have Cod so dun worry. Although it seems that every little thing is scripted so very little replayablity.

I might go for farcry, doom 3 has to much low res textures.

Cod:uo vs farcry now.
I hav a questiuong

my PC will run farcry?

pentium4 1.8ghz

122 mbRAM

videocard 32mb

directX 9.0
at low low low... settings :-/

the game still looks great btw, not that i've tried it on a 32mb card but i did put the gfx to low low low earlier and it looked good enough.
I love COD games and I've played FarCry to death, I just don't like Doom3.

Something about having to get PDA's while fighting against imps 80% of the time that bugs me.
Hmm im thinking Farcry i have the demo, it aint all bad though. I mean sure HL2 (my opinon that is) will own it, but that dosn't mean its anywhere near bad. Well ill go for Farcry. I know i can obviously run it...
Amd Athlon 2400+
512megs of ram
Ati Radeon 9600 128meg(256 bit).
Well ill prob buy it tommarow or so.
I mean even if i hate farcry there are always mods.
Err and does anyone know if farcry has a decent netcode? Cuz that can change everything.
(Meaning could a 56ker play on it, with about as much lag as on cs)
I have FarCry and Doom 3. Both are worth the money.
Far Cry's netcode isn't great. I haven't played COD:UO yet, but if you're looking for multiplayer I think that's probably the best choice. Far Cry and Doom 3 both suck in the MP department. BTW, it doesn't really look to me like FC's mod communtiy will take off. I think Doom 3 will be much better in terms of mods. But FC's single player will last longer than Doom 3's, and it's pretty good. There's not really much more to say because it's really just a matter of your preference. But I think both are worth getting. I haven't played COD:UO yet so I can't really comment on that.
Far Cry is a better game than Doom 3. They need to get the 1.2 patch done and a better SDK to get the mods going. But Far Cry already has a Co-op mod that works(still in alpha)
COD:UO, I have no clue. I am not a big fan of WW2 shooters.
Far Cry.

Its the only game you can through more then once and STILL have fun