Codemned: Criminal Origins.


Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
I just read a review of Condemned at Gamespy and it's making me really excited about this game. I've got most of Monolith's games...Just wondering if anyone knows if it's still set for release on PC as well? If so, does anyone know the release date? I'm thinking 6 months, 'cause of the Xbox exclusive crap.
I'm pretty sure becuase of the exclusive "crap" it won't get to PC at all.
Your best bet is to search google and try to find someplace that has that answer. The problem is that no one knows .. as far as I know.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that game to come to PC. You will run out of oxygen.
I have Condemned for the 360 and it's awesome. The atmosphere and the melee combat is well done. Besides the graphics being great, the sound is also really crisp and accurate. When you're bashing someone over the head, it sounds like you'd expect.
You mean sickening and horribly disturbing right?
Is it worth shelling out £40 for? I've heard the SP's around 10 hours, and as there's no MP, maybe it'd be better for a rent.
Yeah, it's more of a rent just to see the atmosphere and melee combat really. The story's more of a tease and well 10 hours isn't very long.
Axyon said:
Is it worth shelling out £40 for? I've heard the SP's around 10 hours, and as there's no MP, maybe it'd be better for a rent.

I think its crazy how much we demand now-a-days. (Myself included)

Back in NES days games took about 30 minutes(poor games) or 2 hours (cough MEGAMAN *)to finish.

If some games weren't harder they would have been just as short also.

Possibly why RPG's became so popular
I have it as well..and the sound is unbelievable. I love the game so far...and 10 hours is a good length for a game like packs so much stuff...but my favorite part of the game is the's extremely well done.
Just checked the official site for Condemned and they say it's coming to PC, no release date though.
Yeah i also have the game and it's awsome Love the torch in the game soooo real like . Very scary.
Axyon said:
Is it worth shelling out £40 for? I've heard the SP's around 10 hours, and as there's no MP, maybe it'd be better for a rent.

I mean, you know.. thats not too bad. Kameo is what 8 hours? and considered an outstanding game anyway.

i think the original zelda could be beat in about 10 hours and that was 50% backtracking..

At least in Zelda you could play through the game again and all the items were in different places, stuff was different colors, etc.

I think developers need to take a look at history and learn from it.

Games with a high replay value are, well, valuable.

Would be cool if more games would do what Zelda did so when u play through the game again its got a new feeling again.
VirusType2 said:
I mean, you know.. thats not too bad. Kameo is what 8 hours? and considered an outstanding game anyway.

i think the original zelda could be beat in about 10 hours and that was 50% backtracking..

At least in Zelda you could play through the game again and all the items were in different places, stuff was different colors, etc.

I think developers need to take a look at history and learn from it.

Games with a high replay value are, well, valuable.

Would be cool if more games would do what Zelda did so when u play through the game again its got a new feeling again.
I'm not sure why you needed to reply twice to my one post, but games have come a long way since Zelda and a certain quantity of gameplay is expected if you're going to spend a fair sum of money. Kameo's SP may be 8 hours, but it also has MP which multiplies the replayability tenfold. Condemned's only been scoring sevens and eights across the board because its replayability is seriously a limiting factor. I see that as a fairly serious problem.
VirusType2 said:
Kameo is what 8 hours? and considered an outstanding game anyway.

Not in the reviews i've been reading. At best Kameo seems to be no where near as good as Rare's past adventure/platformers. A step forward in graphics, 5 steps back in gameplay. I very much doubt it'll have any replay value, in single or multiplayer. As a friend of mine with a 360 put it - 'it's only 8 hours long, and I can't be bothered to do that'.

This is no Banjo :/
Axyon said:
I'm not sure why you needed to reply twice to my one post, but games have come a long way since Zelda and a certain quantity of gameplay is expected if you're going to spend a fair sum of money. Kameo's SP may be 8 hours, but it also has MP which multiplies the replayability tenfold. Condemned's only been scoring sevens and eights across the board because its replayability is seriously a limiting factor. I see that as a fairly serious problem.

Becuase the first post I was arguing that 10 hours is not that short.

In the second post, I was agreeing that developers need to add more replay by letting you play through the game again with a twist once you have beaten the game...(Zelda)

another example; many 1on1 fighting games like Tekken... every time you beat the game you unlock another character. This adds to replay.

It didn't even occour to me that I quoted you twice, and Im not sure why you would even mention the fact that I did. =/

It was just such a good question that I thought it deserved two answers :p

Well actually, here is my third and final answer:

I think the game will be sweet and definately alot of fun, but nah, I don't think its worth $60 I'd say $35, and by the time the game is that cheap there will be more games to chose from.

Rent it. You may have to stalk video stores to get a hold of it though.
This is totally random, but I really hope GSC decides to do either a 360 port of STALKER or dev STALKER 2(Which they ironically have already announced they're gonna do, but luckily without any publisher, so they don't have to delay the game due to some lameass publisher not wanting to publish it during low-sales periods.) for it.
I want a sci-fi Oblivion on the 360.. And that is STALKER..
Mmm..*Drools Homer-style*
operative x, you mean like Steam?
Otherwise it already has an online-distribution system for demos, trailers, and new maps/features for games etc.:)
VirusType2 said:
I think the game will be sweet and definately alot of fun, but nah, I don't think its worth $60 I'd say $35, and by the time the game is that cheap there will be more games to chose from.

Rent it. You may have to stalk video stores to get a hold of it though.
Well, if you don't think it's worth $60, then I certainly don't think it's worth $70, which is the cheapest equivalent price it's releasing at in the UK.
While I've no doubt that the game is fun and all, after watching some video clips of one level, I've come to the conclusion that serial killers' vocbulary consists only of curses and stupid threats. Yes.

I heard the same line spoken three times within a minute at one point.

Besides that it looks alright, and if I had a 360 I'd probably pick it up after I did PDZ.
Malfunction said:
While I've no doubt that the game is fun and all, after watching some video clips of one level, I've come to the conclusion that serial killers' vocbulary consists only of curses and stupid threats. Yes.

I heard the same line spoken three times within a minute at one point.

Besides that it looks alright, and if I had a 360 I'd probably pick it up after I did PDZ.

Nope...they ban together and try and kill you in groups sometimes...then they say othe stuff...the most advanced A.I I've ever seen.
Well, Condemned does use a modified FEAR engine, is it not highly possible they used the same "template" for the AI?
What with it grouping up, and pushing around things in your way(As seen in the early trailers, I assume it's in-game?)
I was watching my brother play earlier today and I'm still seeing the AI do things that I haven't seen yet and I've spent lots of time with the game so far.

1. If you knock the weapon out of their hands, they'll look around for it in a panic sort of way.

2. Hit them and they'll turn to the side and spit blood out on the floor.

3. Try to distract you by pointing off in another direction.

4. They'll also become frustrated and hit their weapon on the ground. It looks very animalistic.

It's also fun to watch them beat the crap out of eachother too. There's one part where you're walking down a set of subway tracks and you see a couple of guys beating the crap out of each other in the distance. They block, run away, scream, dodge, etc. It all looks very fluid and intense.
satch919 said:
I was watching my brother play earlier today and I'm still seeing the AI do things that I haven't seen yet and I've spent lots of time with the game so far.

1. If you knock the weapon out of their hands, they'll look around for it in a panic sort of way.

2. Hit them and they'll turn to the side and spit blood out on the floor.

3. Try to distract you by pointing off in another direction.

4. They'll also become frustrated and hit their weapon on the ground. It looks very animalistic.

It's also fun to watch them beat the crap out of eachother too. There's one part where you're walking down a set of subway tracks and you see a couple of guys beating the crap out of each other in the distance. They block, run away, scream, dodge, etc. It all looks very fluid and intense.
Yeah i like this game. Alot