Codename Eagle : Legends - BF2 Mod


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Check it out.

CE: Legends is a total conversion mod that pays tribute to Codename Eagle, a game released in 1999. The timeline is around WWI including biplanes, early tanks, a motorcycle, even a giant zeppelin blimp. Gameplay is geared for action and each player starts out with an array of weapons to choose from. The level “No Man’s Land” is included in this build of the mod along with support for several original BF2 levels that use new gamemodes.

Supported gamemodes include: Capture the Flag, BF2 vs CE, and Singleplayer
11 new vehicles and 9 new weapons

Sure it isn't the prettiest mod out there, but it's damn fun.

Get ittttttttt!
Codename Eagle, a game released in 1999

A game released by DICE to be more prescisely, which had an online mode that included vehicles. The next game by DICE was BF1942 ...

Did you try it out yet, Lucid? GG today btw.
It's really fun... the Biplanes and Bombers are really fun to fly and do stunts with.

Downside... It crashed on me twice already for no reason. :(