Codename: Panzers

I've been following this one quite some time, and it looks awesome. I'm just fearing one thing, that it will turn out to be some Generals clone to please the mass.
I'm hoping for a realistic game like Sudden Strike and Blizkrieg, and it will be mostly like that, but it won't be quite as realistic as SS. I really hope it's not gonna be arcade.
dude ray_MAN, did they learn you to read in school?:P

The site states it's not out yet :)
this already ****ed me up.

edit-ops, cant make a direct link.... Just go to the main page and clik on the 1st new story about polis 6x better on soldiers
Zakat said:
dude ray_MAN, did they learn you to read in school?:P

The site states it's not out yet :)
Meh, I was too lazy too look at the actual site. :D