Coder looking for mod team




I'm looking for a mod team to join. I've been programming for eight years professionally in the business world. I've worked on mods for Quake2, Quake3, and Half-Life. I've done a little work with Unreal also.

Please contact me if you'd like a mature coder to join your team. Thank you.
got any links to examples? saying you did this and that isn't a lot of help, they could have been really bad mods with really bad coding for all anyone knows. Post links to examples, the mods you've worked on, what you've done in them and so on.
Lath said:

I'm looking for a mod team to join. I've been programming for eight years professionally in the business world. I've worked on mods for Quake2, Quake3, and Half-Life. I've done a little work with Unreal also.

Please contact me if you'd like a mature coder to join your team. Thank you.
Lath could use your help
You need examples, like TDE said, just to show you're not a fake. A link to the other mods you've worked on with a list of the changes you made, or some example code would be sufficient.

If you can give some examples, Half Life: Episodes is in need of a programmer. You can go to our website here, email me at [email protected], reply here, or whatever, if you're interested.

Thanks :D
You're right, I should be a little bit more detailed on my experience so as not to be misleading.

First of all, for programming experience in application development. I have spent the last few years at my current position working on J2EE focusing on OOP w/ patterns. This includes writing modules for multi-tiered distributed systems. This required heavy use of OOP and top-notch design strategies.

It's been a couple of years since I've been modding. The most work I've done was on an unreleased mod called dCTF. I was the only coder on the project, and I implemented the following items:
- An item that when used turned your currently weilded weapon into an automated turret. The turret had a shield, health, and ammo which were displayed when approaching the turret. You could also replenish all three stats by "throwing" power-ups onto the turret. This used a "throw" button that would propel objects with the velocity based upon the length of the "throw" button being held. This resulted in some interesting gameplay when passing items and turrets to waiting teammates/turrets in hard-to-reach areas.
- An EMP grenade which would disable certain weapons being held by players in a specified radius. It would also disable turrets within that radius.
- A force field item that could be activated to block pathways, or manipulated to be used as platforms to circumvent obstacles.
- A medic item you could use to heal teammates / turrets.
- A shield-generating gun that shot beams which would surround nearby teammates with a force-field.

All of these items were implemented with great effort to keep the source well-organized, modular, fast, and easily maintainable. You'll see from the following screenshots that many turrets could be deployed and operational at once without a loss in framerate. Binaries and source can be sent on request.

The work I've done on Half-Life was for a mod called Diablorie which was also unreleased. I implemented HUD components, and various small entities. Most of the work I've done in Half-Life and Unreal were for fun and not pertaining to a particular mod.

I've also done web development for Action Quake 3,

I'm seeking a mod team that has talented, committed, and especially mature team members. Of course a fun mod with a good plot is also desirable. ;)

6 turrets demolishing bots - pic 1
6 turrets demolishing bots - pic 2
Playing with force-fields - Pic 1
Playing with force-fields - Pic 2
Playing with force-fields - Pic 3
Playing with force-fields - Pic 4
Destroying turret
EMP Grenade item
iTurret item
Shows turret with 0 shield and 34 health, plus teammate with health (which only displays with you have a medkit modifier which is pictured by the "H"
Health item
More turrets
Turrets demonstating vertical awareness

All these shots are from early in development, and didn't take me long to implement. I hope that's enough info on my experience! Thanks for considering me.

I forgot to mention that dCTF was playtested by the mod team and friends (16-18 players in some sessions) , and there was also no added latency.
Well, as Erestheux said, Episodes could use the help. We've been strong, and very dedicated to this project. Of course if your interested in helping us out, feel free to contact us in any way you please.
Okay, I sent you a PM, you can email me if you can't reply. Thanks!
i know last great war is looking for a new lead coder, i gave them the link to this thread
Also, as a side note to any other mod teams that might be interested; A while back I dabbled with building a rendering pipeline from scratch. I have source code demonstating the beginnings of a 3D engine written from scratch using DirectX. It was very simple however, it had a lexer/tokenizer to parse simple equations and graph them. Also displayed some simple geometry with shading, texturing, etc., using triangle strips and had a camera system.

So any prospective mod teams, please e-mail...I would like to know what options I have available to me. Thanks!
We need a coder even just to do a hud or something, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Lath, you seem to be a very experienced guy and i think that is what our team is needing right now, for now we have one good coder with 6 years of experience but he said he could need some company. He has already made alot for the game but there is so much left and i was hoping you would be interested.

Here is some info about this project.
( note that there is also an english version if you scroll down abit )

There is alot more to tell and i would be glad to do that. Our website should be finished this weekend, then you could read all there.
Just to say that I received your email and I've read over this thread. I'm sure we have a place for you on the Mod, but the coding work wouldn't begin for a few months yet. I'll send you an email with more info but in the meantime (if you haven't already), check out the ModDB listing for more info on our members.

We have a fairly mixed group in terms of Modding experience (as in previously working on specific Mods), but all have experience in the main field they are working on. You'll notice that our main coder at the moment has a huge amount of programming experience but no Mod experience under his belt, so I'm definitely looking for someone who can channel and guide his expertise into coding the SDK.
If you think you're capable of getting a very basic gameplay HL2 mod up within 4 months, I know of a team who is looking for a mod team who's hoping to commercial,, They are willing to pay a few thousand for a capable coder

I'll send you a PM with my email and let you know about it, so check your pm's :p
Have sent an email to the account you have listed on your profile.

Welcome by the way :)
Crap, I wrote a big email explaining everything but something happend and I dont know if you got 3/4's of an email or not

regardless I pm'd you a message with my email,, just contact me and I'll resend
Wow, like rabid wolves after a sheep. I never knew us coders were THAT scarce!

Sounds like you've got some good experience under your belt. Don't waste it - make sure you join a mod where there is evidence that the team are actually trying to get something done, rather than them hiring loads of people, and sitting back, waiting for them to do it for them.

*Gives a thumbs up*

-Angry Lawyer
Well on Hoplites Mod we are in need of a coder and we have a dedicated team working on it. We already have people making models, music, maps and so on and we are constantly keeping everyone else up-to-date with our work.

Anyone interested, please apply on forums.
Yeah, this is a tough decision. I'm going to be dedicating a lot of time to the mod I pick, so I want it to be worthwhile.
Well, if you have IRC you can chat to some of the team on #hoplitesmod on Gamsurge. We have our project leader, a few modellers and a mapper constantly on there if you want to know anything.
Wretched Abandon needs a coder.

Wretched Abandon, at the moment, is a multiplayer class based game, similar to team fortress, but more focus on unit weakness/strength against other units for thick teamplay atmosphere.

If you want more details PM me, or reply.
Your choice Lath, don't let people try suade you.

All of the details for my modification can be found on the links in my signature. Ignore the lack of media on the web site, contact me for this. We are holding back for a very polished first media release.

We need a coder to implement new and rising technologies, game-play modes for singleplayer, multiplayer DM and Cooperation play, highly advanced artificial intelligence (from pseudo documentation), and some other general bits and bobs I can't really go into.
jheaddon said:
Your choice Lath, don't let people try suade you.

Now, firstly you are trying to persuade him. Secondly we are supposed to be trying to persuade him, he is a good coder and of course we want him to work on our mod. :LOL:

It is up to him of course though :bounce:
Angry Lawyer said:
Wow, like rabid wolves after a sheep. I never knew us coders were THAT scarce!

Sounds like you've got some good experience under your belt. Don't waste it - make sure you join a mod where there is evidence that the team are actually trying to get something done, rather than them hiring loads of people, and sitting back, waiting for them to do it for them.

*Gives a thumbs up*

-Angry Lawyer

Coders with game and game engine experience are actually pretty hard to come by...
True, because we coders with engine experience tend to want to make our own mods :p

-Angry Lawyer
Yeh it's fairly true. Either they aren't very experienced with the game engine or they'll make their own mod with no restrictions on what they have in mind.
i want to make a mod that is like a film noir movie like the maltease falcon. i want to use lots of dynamic lighting to create the effect and use all custom textures so that it is black and white. also it wont be a shooter game it will just be a detective type game. i have a professional auther working on the storyline at the moment so i havnt gotten a mod team together yet but i can do alot of the mapping myself. if your interested email me at [email protected]
Lath, if you still haven't decided on a mod, take a look at Kage Mod. I am looking to recruit mature, dedicated people like yourself for the project.

I have sent you an e-mail as well as a PM with all the mod information. I look forward to hearing from you.