Coders required


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Remember Carrier Command? Rage did. They remembered it so well they stripped it down, sexed it up and released it in the form of 2001's Hostile Waters. But without any way to create custom content and no multi-player, despite it's brilliance the game lacked longevity. Not any longer.

Using Valve Software's Source technology Hostile Waters is back: back with new graphics, new multi-player, new ideas and new expandability.


We are currently in need of a coder for the project. You can expect to undertake some or all of the following modification work:
  • AI and vehicle pathfinding
  • UI creation
  • optimisations for large, busy maps
For more information see the HW website or send me a PM.

Hey Varsity, it's 1nf1n1ty87 from the forums here, just thought i'd come in and give your modification a bumping so [bump] there you go, very nice work i must say. As for helping on your modification, if i spot any coders looking for work on some of the many forums i'm on, i'll direct them towards your modification.
Varsity said:
Thanks, I appreciate it. :)

No bother, i'm still waiting for a reply from BlueWolf72, i hope he gets back to me soon. I lost my signature on the forums, i'm rather sad now but luckily i backed it up on my PC so i'm going to upload it again. *Takes hanky* It's so upsetting! ;( :laugh: