Coffee or Tea?

I got my first and only two infractions in a tea thread!

Tea please!

haven't got the coffee acquired taste yet.
I said neither in the last two threads and I shall say neither once again!
i don't drink either, i have some unknown dislike for coffee and the last time I tried tea was about 10 years ago and i was not amused.



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I am the (Un)official Tea Monitor round these 'ere parts. And I say...

Stop, EVERYONE STOP, we already know what you all like from the past two threads, STOP WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR OPINION 3RD TIME PLEASE WE ALREADY KNOW
Stop, EVERYONE STOP, we already know what you all like from the past two threads, STOP WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR OPINION 3RD TIME PLEASE WE ALREADY KNOW

ZT did I ever tell you I just love love love coffee?
Sociability, it's hard enough for me, blah blah Coffee and TV lyrics

hot chocolate should be an option.
Well, since I've never posted in a thread like this before, I prefer the taste of tea and drink it most of the time. Although coffee is a better energy booster.
i love them both, but what i drink depends on what im eating (if anything) or who im with.
wtf was that? I kept expecting something to happen like a madman shooting up the place or for them to spontaneously combust or something. instead I got nothing to aleviate the pain from watching that. dont do that again
Coffee. Black with no sugar.

Though tea rules, too.
Both increase your blood presure, and have caffeine which is a stimulant.

Tea has flavanoids, an anti-oxidant, which is very good for you.

Coffee is inflammatory: Bad for you, but mostly if drinking too frequently (6 or 8 cups a day would be terrible).

I drink both. Coffee seems to have more caffeine, which is helpful for waking up or staying alert.

So is coffee bad for you? A little, but so is crashing your car because you fell asleep driving.
Depends on what I'm eating with it. Regular lunch/dinner food? Tea.

Breakfast? Coffee.
Coffee. I like tea as well, but usually it just tastes like flavoured water as opposed to a beverage of its own.
I had that issue too Monkey.

if you are using tea bags, try letting it brew longer. Also keep in mind that tea bags are meant for 4-6 oz. cups, so if your cup is bigger, it's probably too watered down.

I bought a little yellow plastic lemon shaped bottle of real lemon juice and I put two drops in my tea and it really improves the flavor.

Get one of these: juice bottle&sa=N&tab=wi&um=1

Another thing you can try is fancier tea. The tea that comes in a box of 100 is pretty plain, but like I said you can add lemon and sugar and brew it strong and it's pretty nice.