"Cold War: Melting Point" First Screenshots


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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After almost two months in hiding, like a nuclear submarine suddenly emerging to the surface to strike, the team behind the promising modification Cold War: Melting Point sends a batch of their first screenshots our way.
SidewinderX tells us what's been going on and requests any interested mappers, coders and 2D artists to consider applying.
"Well, it’s been quite awhile since our last update! Nearly two months. And I’d like to apologize, we shouldn’t have let ya’ll go this long without an update. As for the status of the mod, things are going well. We had a slowdown as people started getting back to school and work, but that’s done with and things have been picking up. Olah is working hard away at a variety of systems, George is making props like a crazy man, Hiro is bouncing back from a critical map failure, and Darg is doing a little bit of everything."[br]</br>
"Now, all that said, we are still looking to expand the team. We really need a few more mappers. We need 2D artists. We would love another coder or two. And we’ll accept applications from any position. Please refer to the news post below, or skip right to the application page."
"Anyway, with that out of the way, here are the first three ingame screenshots from CW:MP. Hope you enjoy!"

[br]Albeit being fairly simple, these screenshots tell the tale of a very impressive mod being developed.[br]
Make no mistake, this won't be another blue-milk CS clone, the team filled with Cold War fantasts will make sure this is going to be an incredibly realistic and immersive experience. And heck, who wouldn't love to kick some capitalis- err, I mean, commie ass?
Check the site out and maybe even peek into the official forums right here.
Oooh, lookin' very ace. I love the skybox in the last picture there, and the weapons are looking quite detailed, but who am I to say, really..?
looks like another CS clone, but it may not be. However, it seems like they have a long way to go before they have a polished release.
Zaphod_ said:
looks like another CS clone, but it may not be. However, it seems like they have a long way to go before they have a polished release.

Hehe, just because we have an AK-47 doesn't mean we're a CS:S clone... believe it or not, in 1962 the weapon of choice for the Soviet Union and it's satillites was the AK-47. :)
Looking good.. except the mapping and texturing in the first screenshot. Notice that the metal stabilizers texturing is not constant. I like how everything seems to break down if you shoot it though. Looking forward to it
Weapon models look fantastic. :)

The maps look good too except in that first screenshot. Theres something undecidedly bland about it....

No offence. :)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Weapon models look fantastic. :)

The maps look good too except in that first screenshot. Theres something undecidedly bland about it....

No offence. :)

Heh, none taken. We just wanted to include something "indoors". The inside is far too clean, and some of the textures are too regular. And the lighting is very temporary there. :)
I'll reserve my judgement till the game has some in game screen shots ..this was one of my most anticipated mods good to see they're still working at it
Looking great so far, especially the weapon models. Can't wait for some more info :)
GonzoBabbleshit said:
Those are ingame screenshots.

Yeah, CptStern, they are. :). The only thing that is missing is the HUD, which is functional, and mostly together. There are just a few rough edges that we want to deal with before we release screenshots with it.
SidewinderX said:
Yeah, CptStern, they are. :). The only thing that is missing is the HUD, which is functional, and mostly together. There are just a few rough edges that we want to deal with before we release screenshots with it.

ya the guy holding the gun was a dead give away ;)

I meant in game screenshots from a playtest or from a finished map
I hope u guys get a beta out pretty soon, been drolling over this for close to a year. BTW the benches inside are way too blocky.
Looks fine, although i think that the indoor decoration needs work - thoose chairs in the church, they're just too plain. You could without problem pump a few hundred more polygons in them as detail models, if your 3D guy can be bothered - gives it the edge. (Maybe also thoose stabilizers in the church could have been more detailed, either in texture or pumped up with polygons - and aren't they quite huge?)
I assume it's Source, but these things makes me not so sure about it.

Hope this gives some useful critisism :)