
Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
i am a bit surprised a thread on this movie does not exist.. well at least thats what the search button told me.

anyway i saw this flick earlier and thoroughly enjoy it :)
it has its funny momments and it has some decent action in it as well :)

anyway, Tom Cruise convinced me that he could make a decent Max Payne if the MP series was heading to the big screen.. tho i think other actors fit in the Max Payne character perhaps moreso than Cruise.

Jamie Foxx gained a bit of respect from me afer having watched this movie.
anyway so anyone else seen it yet?

if u haven't and are deciding which one u should check out.. then i'd say go for it with this one.. :)
Lookinf FWD to see it, now that you mention it, he would make a decent Max Payne.
Tom is trying to re-do his image, Samuri flick diden't work to good.
I thought The Last Samurai was good, but then I saw Kill Bill 2 :P
The movie reminded me of others like Speed and Phonebooth, which I both thoroughly enjoyed.

Collateral (which I kept calling Collateral Damage :)), is a good thriller. It gets slow for a while, but once you see the nightclub scene it gets very good. The Oakenfold track combined with a methodical Cruise worked very well there IMO. Highlight of the film.
hmm.. and Michael Mann is a pretty good director.
i watched The Insider.. Russel Crowe was the notable actor in it.. its about a corporate whistle blower.. anyway, i think Michael Mann's work is generally good :)
Great film!!!
The acting/writing/cinematography/directing all came to together perfectly to make one of the best films this year( besides KB 2 it is the best). This is the only film with tom cruise ofr jamie fox that I would actually consider buying.

The seen were Vincent gets his case back from those 2 thugs is the single best 5 seconds shot on camera in years.:)
Great movie. Had it's funny moments too. I liked a few moments near the end that make the movie seem more real.

Non-plot-spoiling events:
Vincent throws a chair through a pane of glass to jump through. When he jumps, he trips on the chair and has a spectacular fall. Also, when Vincent is getting back into the metro, the door hits him in the back. Just a few moments that make the characters seem more real.

It's settled. If I ever have a kid, his name is going to be Vincent. So many tv/movie/game characters with the name are just badass. It also fits with my last name if you ask me.

Vincent Viegas (Vee-a-gas)