College links & books


Jun 5, 2004
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Does anyone around here know of any good links for colleges? Like, where you put in your interests and it lists colleges or anything? Books would be helpful, too. Just starting out my college search and I'd like some help :)
aaargghhh college... i dont know wether to go into 6th form, or go straight to college next year :|
oldagerocker said:
College = Uni in US right? im confused.
Haha, if Uni = University, then yeah, College = Uni. Does it mean something else in the UK or something? :p
figure out what you want to have as a career then search for a college that specializes in what you want to do.

whatever you do, don't go to a community college and try to figure it out then. thats what i did and now i'm stuck in a boring ass town with nothing to do. Ask your friends where they're goin and talk to your counselor at school. If you want to party go to california state Chico, i got a friend up there and its crazy.

For books i'd say find out what you need once you get your classes and then go to and get them from there. I spent $300 on books for 4 classes cause i bought them from the bookstore at my college.

You'll get a good education at pretty much any college so look for some place that would be fun. such as a college near a beach if you like the beach.

shit, that was probably a bunch of random words slurred together, sorry for the long post.

[edit]see what happens when you don't go to a fun school, you end up at a forum like this with a bunch of little kids whining about why half-life 2 isn't out yet. instead of partying everyday.
son of a bitch