
  • Thread starter Thread starter adam100
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I've been lately trying to build a rope bridge phisically simulated. So i started with ground on both sides of room and i placed a brush and tied it to enity physbox. I tried connecting the ground and the wooden plank(physbox) with a rope. I used a phys_legth constraint and a logic_mesaure. Well, when i run the map the plank swings allright but it doesn't collide with the other brush- it just goes into it. How can i make it collide realisticcly with the brush?
would you mind explaining how you tied the rope to the brush? I've been trying all morning to get a lightmesh/brush to hang off a rope and be shootable; casting cool moving lighting effects(presuming that I can simply parent the light entity to the 'light' brush)

or you could post the file?

cheers mate
I already solved the problem-i had to tie the brush to func_brush so that it collides with the "plank" brush. And it's very easy to hang an object from a rope.
these are tutorials showing how to hang a ragdoll from a rope(these are two parts-first shows just hanging and second shows how to make the rope move aswell,treat is as one big tutorial).
I know-it's a ragdoll. But it's practically the same with objects. Just use a phys_length_constraint instead of the phys_ragdoll_constraint they tell you to use. The rest is the same. As i understand you want to tie a brush to the rope. So if you don't know you have to make it physical first(brush) by tying it (Ctrl+T) to a func_physbox enity.