Color scheme


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Are there any downloads for the XP colors for Vista? (Olive green, silver, blue) for some goddamn reason they didn't include them yet had the old 98 stuff.
Not that I know of but you can probably find one with a few googles.

I'm assuming your more after the style than the colour since you can set your own custom colour yourself in Vista.
Both actually, the color chooser thing isn't good enough when comparing to the originals.
Google gave no useful results, just XP users wanting vista colors T_T
The looks are the best thing about Vista. Without that, why have Vista?
I have never been able to stomach the appearances of XP. So I've always used the classic 98 styled theme.
I downloaded a torrent with 52 user made themes and an XP system patch to allow unsigned themes. but like if you don't have the fonts or the wallpaper, they don't work. I don't know. No instructions.

Maybe we need Style XP DeathMaster
OK I'm an idiot. I suggested Style XP for you who has Vista.



I just want a simple, fast, bug free, light alternative to windowblinds