Colorado redefiing "personhood" to start at moment of conception


May 5, 2004
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Colorado is one of several states facing a controversial ballot measure this fall that could have far-reaching impacts on abortion law. Amendment 48 would define "personhood" as beginning at the moment of conception, giving fertilized human eggs the same constitutional rights as a person.

The first of its kind in the U.S., the amendment is the brainchild of 21-year-old Kristi Burton, who says she wants to establish a concrete definition of when life begins to protect unborn children.

this is all kinds of wrong eggs the same rights as living breathing people? the precedent it's setting is far reaching:

As it stands, however, the amendment goes far beyond the issue of abortion, raising a host of questions regarding which constitutional rights a fertilized egg can logically be entitled to. Jessica Berg, a professor of law and bioethics at Case Western Reserve University, says the amendment could lead to some bizarre situations ? such as counting fertilized eggs in the state census and pregnant drivers using the HOV lanes.

"If you don't know you're pregnant at that point, and you drink or do something dangerous ? or you do something problematic very early on, and you're in Colorado or passing through Colorado ? have you committed child abuse and endangerment?" Berg wonders.

Berg says that as written, the amendment would classify all the fertilized eggs used in fertility labs ? which number in the hundreds of thousands ? as persons.

"You could never get rid of them," she says of the fertilized eggs. "It's not clear whether you could freeze them, because we certainly don't have a concept of freezing indefinitely a person. It's not clear how you then adopt them ? would you have to go through all the normal adoption proceedings?"

note to christians: this is an example of why you are on the recieving end of so much hate ..what gives you the right to force your moral code down our throats?
Me and everyone in my family is voting down this law...except maybe my dad...hes pro-life....the rest of us are pro choice....
Well that's a dumb idea.

I guess murder rates will shoot through the roof, as 25% of pregnancies are miscarried (aborted by the mother's body usually due to chromosomal abnormalities or whatever) by the sixth week.
"But even after the egg is fertilized, it's still six or seven days before it reaches the uterus and pregnancy begins, and not every egg makes it that far. Eighty percent of a woman's fertilized eggs are rinsed and flushed out of her body once a month during those delightful few days she has. They wind up on sanitary napkins, and yet they are fertilized eggs.

So basically what these anti-abortion people are telling us is that any woman who's had more than more than one period is a serial killer! " - George Carlin
she wants to establish a concrete definition of when life begins to protect unborn children.
<in best auctioneer's voice> The floor is open and we have an opening bid of 0 seconds. Do I hear 15 minutes?
How about a law to protect all unborn children? That's every unfertalized egg in females and every sperm in a males' body (at the instant that it is to come into question, like 20 million when the guy is murdered so 20 million and 1 murders).
Oh my god. I am a monster. I have killed quadzillions of ballsack babies, and I actually enjoyed it.
Awwww... it's so cuuuute. Let's name it Timmy and let's open up a college fund for it.

Little Person
note to christians: this is an example of why you are on the recieving end of so much hate ..what gives you the right to force your moral code down our throats?

This isn't Christianity...this is stupidity. This will not stop abortions, women will simply turn to backstreet abortion clinics and endanger themselves. Its a difficult issue, but like most other things, criminalization isn't the answer and never has been.
this is christianity, this movement is faith based
so how they plan to put a egg into jail if it commits a crime?
Its shit like this that makes Europeans think were better then America. :bounce:

Seriously though, dumb law, and I'de love to see it hold up in a proper court so hopefully it gets voted down for the stupid bit of dumb ass lobbyist legislation it is.
Extremists =/= Mainstream

If Christians were all this way, this measure would have past long ago. In fact, abortion would not have been made legal.

Agreed. These people are religious extremists and not necessarily representative of Christians as a whole. It is wrong to tar them with the same brush.

I'm an Atheist and I'm not remotely in favour of late term abortions. Prior to 24 weeks fine, but when a baby is at a point where they would probably survive incubation I can't support it.