Colour Blindness tests


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I was told a while ago, when I was younger, that I was a tad colour blind (green and red).

But most online colour blindness tests seem to say i'm not colour blind at all.

Anybody know of any accurate online tests?
You just know somebody is going to link one of those fake tests that play a stupid sound really loud.
You just know somebody is going to link one of those fake tests that play a stupid sound really loud.

Don't care, don't put my headphones on unless I need to listen to something :\
Look at one of those rainbow color blobs and see if there are any excesses of gray or repeating colors.

I cant see the second one :(

It's just a big blob of random colours.

I cranked up the saturation and you can see, it looks like somebody just took a paint-brush and made a bunch of random lines.
f*** The Wiggles.


My friend got jacked when he complained about color blinded people to a colorblind lol.
Can't really judge being colourblind on a PC or anything cos of different contrast/brightness settings on the monitor.

If the Opticians did the test and said you were colourblind then you are regardless of what any 'net tests say.

I am colourblind too btw =/
Will you color blind people ever be permitted to drive a car? :|
i have perfect eyesight :D

20/20 vision and no colour blindness,

I am the elite evolvedness pew pew!
Can't really judge being colourblind on a PC or anything cos of different contrast/brightness settings on the monitor.

If the Opticians did the test and said you were colourblind then you are regardless of what any 'net tests say.

I am colourblind too btw =/

I retook a few of the tests, and I had a much harder time completing them than the last time I took them.

I remember I was looking through one set of slides, and thought "oh, pie. I can see those just fine"

Then I went through the slides and said to myself "25, 6, 15, 5, 56, 20", scrolled down to the bottom of the page, and read...

"25, 6, 45, 8, 56, 29"


Will you color blind people ever be permitted to drive a car? :|

I don't believe they test for colour blindness in the US. When I applied for my license/permit, I had to take a simple "read me the words on this and that line" vision test, and they passed me. I really don't see how it'd effect your driving ability.

Btw, I too have 20/20 vision.

And my colour blindness really isn't that bad at all. If you take two plates, one red, one green, I can see them just fine. It's just faint amounts of the two that throw me off, like if you took a red pencil and made a really thin red line, it'd look brown to me. And some shades of purple look blue to me.
i have perfect eyesight :D

20/20 vision and no colour blindness,

I am the elite evolvedness pew pew!

When I get a full time job (technically I have one now, but it's only a summer thing), which should be next March, first thing I'm doing when I have enough cash is laser eye surgery !
I was told a while ago, when I was younger, that I was a tad colour blind (green and red).

But most online colour blindness tests seem to say i'm not colour blind at all.

Anybody know of any accurate online tests?

I say you should stick with a paper-based test, as electronic medium, such as LCD and CRT can mess up with your perceptions of colours.

I have perfect colour perception, but if I look at a screen for far too long, I start to see two brown retangular blocks appear on the screen
I wonder why being red/green colorblind prevents you from being a pilot?
Never knew so many people were colorblind.
So how do you perceive red an green, as gray or both as green or both as red,or something like that?
I don't get it ... if you've been colourblind all your life, then what's the problem? It's not like you ever knew that red wasnt red or green wasnt green ... unless you can't tell the difference between red and green, or something. In which case, driving probably isn't a great idea.
Never knew so many people were colorblind.
So how do you perceive red an green, as gray or both as green or both as red,or something like that?

Well, I personally can see red and green just fine, but it's when you either mix the two randomly, or when it's a certain shade or amount of the two, that they both just look kinda the same.

I tried it today using some pens in class. I made a big mass of green dots, and then dotted in the word "hi" in the center of the mass with a red pen. I could see the sheen of the ink, but as soon as the ink dried, I had a really hard time seeing the word, and the only way I could see it was if I looked for differences and patterns in dot placement.

Then for control, I went to a bunch of people, randomly, and said "what word do you see here?" and they all immediately would say "hi". I then asked "what colour is it?" and again, they all immediately said "red", except for a few, who said "brown".

So if you had a pile of colour pens, I could find red and green just fine. It's not that bad.

I can also not see certain shades of purple, it ends up either looking pink or blue to me.

I don't get it ... if you've been colourblind all your life, then what's the problem? It's not like you ever knew that red wasnt red or green wasnt green ... unless you can't tell the difference between red and green, or something. In which case, driving probably isn't a great idea.

It's not that it's been a problem, it's just that when I was diagnosed, I was told it was a "slight" colour blindness, and only recently have I been interested in actually discovering the extent of the condition.

And I still don't see how it'd effect your driving ability. If you mean stop signs and stoplights could become confusing, I doubt it. Although I can see the colours just fine, I often times identify what they're asking me to to based only on the position of the light (middle of the light, bottom of the light, top of the light).
So you guys just see dull red as brown, but rich red as red?


JNightshade said:
Whoa. IIRC, colorblindness is really rare among females D:

Females on internets is really rare

That's just my condition, a very slight colour blindness, so it's only the duller shades.

I see that perfectly fine.

I see that as a 15, however, once I was told it was a 45, I saw it perfectly fine.

I'm not even going to bother guessing what that is... It looks to me like a tonne of greenish-brown dots. I can't see whatever it is, at all...
That's just my condition, a very slight colour blindness, so it's only the duller shades.

I see that perfectly fine.

I see that as a 15, however, once I was told it was a 45, I saw it perfectly fine.

I'm not even going to bother guessing what that is... It looks to me like a tonne of greenish-brown dots. I can't see whatever it is, at all...

The second one is 45
the third is 8

Yay i can see!!
wait I think the third is a 3.
**** I'm colorblind.
The second one is 45
the third is 8

Yay i can see!!

Wrong, third is a three.

I took it into photoshop and jacked up the saturation a few minutes ago, TWAS A THREE!
I couldn't see anything in either of those colour palette things =/

Blue/Purple/Pink are bad for me
Green/Brown also bad

Shades also get me out well, bright green/yellow can get me =/
