Combat Arms - Free Online FPS


Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Last night I saw a banner for this game on another site & decided to check to see if there was a review. Everyone was raving about how great a game it was. So I downloaded the client, made a free account & headed ingame. 2 hours later I manage to pull myself away. It's a suprisingly fun game. It's not realistic & the graphics are not the best, but the gameplay is fast, frantic & quite fun. Well worth a download IMHO & the client is only 450mb. Like BF2, (Only 10 times better) you gain XP for each kill, which lets you unlock better equipment the more you play. You can of course take out an enemy & thus take their better equipment.

To play Combat Arms, you must be over 13 years old and register with a valid e-mail address for a free account with Nexon America.

Welcome to war. Prepare to drop into a lush, ever-changing theater of conflict, where you are in complete control of your gameplay--from your customizable character and your lethal arsenal of weapons to the scenarios you want to experience. Combat Arms offers a first-person perspective of immersive environments, multiple gunplay modes, and an arsenal of deadly weapons--all customizable.

Experience thrilling battles online with up to 15 of your friends in dense jungles, frozen tundra, industrial wastelands and more. Best of all, it's free and will never cost a penny to play. You'll also receive automatic patches each time the game updates.

Trailer: -

Official site: -

There was a thread about this before.

I've played it (somewhat extensively) and here's the rundown.

- Don't expect the trailers to reflect what the game is like or how it looks.
- It has OK graphics, but they're not used to their full potential. The physics engine is pretty much non-existent.
- The maps are poorly designed. The latest map "Two Towers" has many places you can get to where you have to kill yourself or be killed if you want to get back up into the main areas.
- Like other Nexon games, you can't start your own server. You have to use their servers, which are very very clogged during busy times like friday nights and saturdays.
- The profanity filter is broken. You can't say "nip" so if you say "sniper" you have to say it like "sn.iper". There are a lot of other words that it blocks for no reason.
- It is really, REALLY easy. At least for me. I rarely come out of a match without a 2:1 or higher Kill-death ratio.
- I think they're trying to push it as a tactical shooter, but it's really just a twitch shooter like quake. Most of the maps turn into one big clusterf***. And there's no VOIP of any sort so if you wanted to be tactical for some reason then it's really, really hard.
- On all of the maps and modes, there is a "3 second rule" meaning that you can't be injured for 3 seconds after you spawn. This doesn't work out well in the free-for-all mode, because you'll just be walking along and somebody spawns behind you and shoots you in the neck. Gets annoying fast.

The takeaway: It's not bad. It's pretty fun. But could use some improving.
I tried this
It was indeed fun but it had many bugs
Such as players lagging across the screen
Another thing i didn't like was the lack of maps
And i agree with what Ryan says

Played it weeks ago, it's garbage... it's way too easy it's basically full of FPS gaming rejects.
I tried this one and the other free online FPS, they were surprisingly crap. Well you get what you pay for...

Obviously, the only reason to play these games is if you can't afford the $10-15 for BF2.
I'm sorry to say this, but Nexon can't do shit with FPSs. The best games they create are mmorpgs, and even those are mediocre. So sorry to bash one of the Korean companies that are trying to take over the west (seriously), but they shouldn't have aimed their marketing at elementary school kids and junior highs.

If you have a mind of a 13 year old, their games are OMFG so awesome. Otherwise, meh.
There was a thread about this before.

- Like other Nexon games, you can't start your own server. You have to use their servers, which are very very clogged during busy times like friday nights and saturdays.

I don't think thats 100% correct. At least for this game as I was playing ingame & when the new map started, some tard did not click on the "Ready" tab & so everyone was stuck in the lobby waiting because the game was holding for all players to click "Ready". So one of the guys in the lobby said to join him on his own server. 30 seconds later his server showed up in the server list & the 10 of us were able to join & continue playing.

I searched first via the "Search" function & all I got was a white screen. Sorry for the old info & double post.

10x better than BF2 - wat?
In my own opinion, yes. While BF2 has better audio, graphics & the ability to drive & fly vehicles, the weapon damage & accuracy in BF2 completely sucks & is the only reason I no longer play it & bemoan the $40 I paid for it when it first came out. To each their own.

Well you get what you pay for...

Exactly, which was nothing.

I don't think thats 100% correct. At least for this game as I was playing ingame & when the new map started, some tard did not click on the "Ready" tab & so everyone was stuck in the lobby waiting because the game was holding for all players to click "Ready". So one of the guys in the lobby said to join him on his own server. 30 seconds later his server showed up in the server list & the 10 of us were able to join & continue playing.

I think you misunderstood my point. By "clogged" I mean laggy as hell.
And the tard who didn't click ready must've been the GM because all the players don't have to click ready in order for the game to start.

With Combat Arms, it all comes down to the bottom line - you get what you pay for. So I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining. If you're looking for a free FPS then I would recommend it.
I'm sorry to say this, but Nexon can't do shit with FPSs. The best games they create are mmorpgs, and even those are mediocre. So sorry to bash one of the Korean companies that are trying to take over the west (seriously), but they shouldn't have aimed their marketing at elementary school kids and junior highs.

If you have a mind of a 13 year old, their games are OMFG so awesome. Otherwise, meh.

I'm 13 and i think their games are total shit
I'm 13 and i think their games are total shit

Whether they're shit or not, between all of their games they have millions and millions of players playing everyday. It must not be total shit to some people.
I made a thread about this first.

Then someone else.

Now you.

I win.
I installed it about 1 month ago. Created an account and everything, joined a game. Blasted like 5 rounds into someones head but he still turns around and kills me. Exited the game, uninstalled it. All in about 3 mins. :upstare:
lol you suuuuuuuuck. I found everyone in the game to be completely shit at playing games, honestly... I get like 50 kills per match always #1 by leaps and bounds and I don't even play online FPSs much.
I'm 13 and i think their games are total shit

Great. You're more mature than most of your peers. :p

Please stay where you are. Nexon Corporation Security has your house surrounded.
Resistance is futile.

total craze over here in Australia. :|

Yay for Nexon exploiting the immaturity of aussies, and bringing in more foreign money! :D
I installed it about 1 month ago. Created an account and everything, joined a game. Blasted like 5 rounds into someones head but he still turns around and kills me. Exited the game, uninstalled it. All in about 3 mins. :upstare:

Lag? Same thing happened to me on a server with a high ping. Went to a different server with ping under 50 & a head shot was 100% lethal as soon as I pulled the trigger with a "HEAD SHOT!" message ingame.
