"Combine begin some transitional tasks" ?

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That website with the whole story was nice but theres just one part that I didnt get.

"The Combine begin some transitional tasks. First of all, they begin to replace all the air on Earth with a new type of air, one which the humans can hardly breathe. They do this through the Air Exchange Program, a key element to the Combine Overwatch. Second of all, the Overwatch enact a Supression Field to prevent humans from procreating. They do this so no new humans can be born, and that the humans left on Earth will be the final generation of them. Finally, the Combine to drain Earth's oceans. These tasks show that the Combine are are preparing Earth for new residents."

Where in the game is this information? I think I remember something about the "Air Exchange Program" but I dont remember hearing anything about the Combine draining the oceans and the Supression Field. Anyone know where this information is in the game or is it just it the "Raising the bar" book?
You can hear Breen talking (On the big screens) about the supression field in the start of the game. He reads a letter from a "Concerned citizen"( after the trainstation).

Otherwise, I don't like the way the website jumps to conclusions about the end of the game. Nobody knows what really happened and theories will just look plain stupid...
The supression field is defenitley in the game, it's mentioned a few times and the part i can remember most clearly about it being mentioned is when you kill those snipers to reunite with Barney and you go into what looks like a town hall and shut down those 3 generators which are powering the Supression Field.

Also remembered Dr Breen talking about it on those Big Screens when some1 writes him a letter about why they aren't allowed to reproduce and when the supression field will be shut off, just be4 you leave the train station and enter the square where those civilians get their food.

I don't think the atmosphere theory is in the game but it could be in those books. The one about the receeding oceans makes sense as when you r on the coast levels the ocean is far out and there are all these ships on the beach dotted around and piers which don't actually reach the sea and are actually higher than what the ocean is now.
Actually, the Suppression Field and the Suppressor are different things... one prevents humans from mating (no idea how), and the other just vapourises them...

Would be interesting to see a huge Matrix style orgy going on in HL2 though. :E
If I'm correct, that info is from Raising the bar.
It's from a scene that was cut in Half-Life 2 where Eli Vance tells you what's happened between Half-Life 1 and 2. Because it wasn't in the game, don't assume it's true.

There's no evidence that the Combine are replacing the air. They could be draining the oceans (the tide is very far out in parts of the game) but there's no concrete proof that they are doing that.

Early ideas for the game had people wearing gas masks because of the air being replaced. And a teleporter in the middle of the ocean which would be "draining" all the water away.
lol, its like the fear of heights, only with water.

I get that way, then I remeber I can swim.

but you never know whats down there!?