Combine Chatter

Wicked Spider

Jul 31, 2003
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Does anyone understand what the combine soldiers are saying?

i only hear them chatter and mumble but im unable to make anything out from it
I catch a word or two hear and there but can'r really make sense of anything
in the german version u really understand everything
but in englisch *³%$&/%%=''*=)():}][*
Yeah, I can rarely understand what they're saying. In Canal when your underneath them I know they're talking about you... just not sure what they're saying :p
Yeah it's silly little things.

For instance whenever a CP dies, you hear a lady saying things that give clues to how many more CPs are left. For instance she'll say "Unit down at "location blah", remaining units contain." However on more than one occasion I could swear I heard her say just "unit" instead of "units" when there was only one enemy left nearby. Every now and again I think she is also calling reinforcements in. When you are first starting your big run after you get your crowbar, she says at one point something along the lines of "Unidentified person of interest please report in to your nearest Civil Protection officer for process", and then later "Non compliance means blah blah, feel free to judge at will."

I've also heard the CPs saying when they arrive on the scene things like "Unit blah arriving on the scene, ready to prosecute."

Apparently they do also say more important stuff like tactical manouevres (according to the closed captions), but I haven't been able to understand them fully just yet.
Only thing I ever understood was when certain ones ate grenades (like the snipers in the windows...)

"Oh shit!"

Haha... well worth getting close enough to chuck on in.
One thing the game guide states about Combine communications, which is always useful to know - whenever a Solider shouts 'Overwatch' it means he's the last remaining 'team' member.

Ive heard em shout it a few times.
I can understand everything they say pretty much.

They use a lot of that "10 - whatever" code.

"I've got a 10 428 prosecuting."

That's not one of the things they say but it's an example. Everything they say fits to what you're doing, and at what part of the game you're at.
during the first sniper portion, i threw a grenade into one of the windows and right before it exploded, i heard the combine soldier say "OH SH*T". i laughed my butt off.
I understood lots, turn your quality to medium.
I've had a look through all the sounds in the "source sounds.gcf" file - and let me tell you, there's LOADS of command, all of it understandable. Loads of it.
we11er said:
I've had a look through all the sounds in the "source sounds.gcf" file - and let me tell you, there's LOADS of command, all of it understandable. Loads of it.

What program is used to open .gcf files?
shade70 said:
One thing the game guide states about Combine communications, which is always useful to know - whenever a Solider shouts 'Overwatch' it means he's the last remaining 'team' member.

Ive heard em shout it a few times.

I think you mean "Outbreak". They will say "Outbreak" three times real fast. That means there is one left. So rush him!
Yea, you really have to pay attention to what they are saying but you can understand it all.
Oooer, new find, one Overwatch soundfile says:
"Flank leaders, reminder, 100 sterilised credits qualifies non-mechanical reproduction simulation."
:LOL: Thats some bonus for Metro Cops.
Billieboyboyboy said:
I think you mean "Outbreak". They will say "Outbreak" three times real fast. That means there is one left. So rush him!
Yea, you really have to pay attention to what they are saying but you can understand it all.

Yes, the code 'Outbreak! Outbreak! Outbreak!' Means there is only one of them left. Once you know what to listen for it's easy to recognize it.

I also did notice what they say changes depending on location, especially the Overwatch commands. It would be interesting to decipher some more of the common ones to get insight into their actions.
SimonomiS said:
Oooer, new find, one Overwatch soundfile says:
"Flank leaders, reminder, 100 sterilised credits qualifies non-mechanical reproduction simulation."
:LOL: Thats some bonus for Metro Cops.

That's just classic...