Combine Elite



Man, what's the best way to beat these guys, they soak up alot of ammo from the smg and overwatch rifle!
I usually use the overwatch rifle, crossbow, or magnum, thier tough in the Sqaure near the reactor, I Blast them out with that secondary fire.
SMG nades and closing in on them with shotguns work good.
they are annooying but theonly difference between them and combine soldiers is that they are heavily armored and shoot the secondary fire from the overwatch standard issue.

magnum head shot or crossbow to anywhere usually kills them in one hit.
Aim for the head with the irifle or magnum from med range. Shotty/smg to head at close range.
Yeh there is no readily available weapon for medium to long range unfortunately.

If you are going balls to the wall to stay alive, use secondaries, crossbow without scope, and magnum. Any of the above will rip them apart, but yeh, you'll run out of ammo.

Otherwise, shotgun shotgun shotgun, lots of ammo, powerful at close, about as good as smg at medium range, and if you're good at flick shots then flick and right click at close range = death.

Oh and of course, aim for the head, helps a lot, but usp match is too slow to be effective as a headsplitter :\