Combine Gunship!


Apr 13, 2004
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OK I have a hard time against the second gunship you encounter (?), basically the gunship that gordon shoots down in the e3 2003 coastline video. Three direct RPG hits dosent seem to cut it...
lol same here.. i must of shot 30 rockets at this damn thing and it still didnt sink. I even shot it with my buggy for 10min as well.. any trick to this?
depending on difficulty level it may take more hits to kil it. 3-easy, 5-normal, 7-hard. if you've shot it 30 times, then you haven't. more often than not it shoots your rockets away, its described by that brittish guy in your first gunship encounter as its "defense" mechanism. so, try shooting it when it has its back turned on you, or when its belly is exposed otherwise it will shoot your rocket away. oh and by the way, my copy of hl2 bugged ont his part and the thing didnt explode when it crashed, so i got to see it upclose, and it looks awesome like an alien manatee. peace
I found the easiest way was to move the rocket launcher around after having fired a rocket. The rocket follows the laser sight, so you can move it to stop it getting hit by the gunship. Then aim at the gunship at the end. Usually does the trick.
Use the cars for cover and pop up when the gunship is in close range and direct a missle at it, try to swerve it so theres less chance of it being shot down. It takes a bit of practice but it isn't too hard once you get the hang of the rocket launcher. Just be patient and make sure you use cover though, an when its very close range try and get off 2 shots.
Aim 50 degress to the side of Gunship, fire off a rocket, wait a second. Then aim the laser directly at the Gunship, it should bypass it's frontal defences.

3/5/7 hits will take it down.
GiaOmerta said:
3/5/7 hits will take it down.

I am playing on medium (and want to avoid changing it to easy even just for a short while) and you can only carry 3 rockets, is there more to be found anywhere near (just yes or no, dont tell me where)?