Combine Masks

Peabody McFee

Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
I was just thinking about the combine masks.

They seem to represent skulls in appearance; they are white and have deep eye holes.

Do you think this was purposeful or accidental?
i dont think they look like skulls they look like gas masks
There is a gas mask out there that looks almost identical to the one combines wear. I'm sure someone will post it.
Its a israeli gasmask..I got one last year for halloween..."Don't move citizen!!"
The skull likeness is on purpose, it has a intimidating effect. Psychology is an important aspect when trying to keep the people in check.
T.H.C.138 said:
Its a israeli gasmask..I got one last year for halloween..."Don't move citizen!!"

Do you think there is a Zionist parallel made in the game then?
Actually it's not a gas-mask... they were used in WW1 to protect against mustard gas. The masks used today are "protective masks", the difference is that the former only protects against gas while the latter protects against all sorts of chemical compounds, gas, liquids, powder...
Peabody McFee said:
Do you think there is a Zionist parallel made in the game then?
You think the Combine might have concentration camps?
oops..oh well...I guess mine was in the wrong shelf surplus store in my area...
Slipknot are a good band.

I bet im going to get flamed for saying that. :/
I guess you havnt listened to the last cd then. I like slipknot because they Mix everything so perfect. You hear stuff in there music you never hear anywhere else. Just try it listen very carefully to the guitars or drums but dont pay attention to anything else.
I like slipknot too=D the last CD is awesome! I'm going to see them live in october!
Jackathan said:
slipknot sucks, their masks are gay

Die. Slipknot pwns! I'm sure you like some gay backstreet girls or rap or pop music eh? Sissy.
Actually it's not a gas-mask... they were used in WW1 to protect against mustard gas. The masks used today are "protective masks", the difference is that the former only protects against gas while the latter protects against all sorts of chemical compounds, gas, liquids, powder...

that makes no sense... completely contradictory, if not, then why don't you write proper sentences so people can read them with clarity?
I was looking at the 'Russian' gas (or protective?) masks now I want one lol :dozey:

In Soviet Russia, masks wear you! ;)
I don't like slipknot all that much. But It's all personal preferance, so cool.

As for the... Masks... They look cool nevertheless and I want one :d

Combine rule!
I finally realized why the combine can't shoot at all. It would be extremely hard to hit something with those masks on....ok it took me a while. Haha, I can't believe I never realized that. It would be cool to have night vision and/or binoculars, with rangefinders integrated into the masks. That would be way too expensive though... :(

Anyone else think that the Combine die too easily? I guess the Stryders and Man-hacks make up for it.

BTW, it would be great to get a hold of one of those for Halloween, the combine police units uniforms are pretty easy to make up. I dont think I would pay for a WW2 era gas mask unless it was really cheap and didnt have to be shipped from across the world.

Now we have to find a really easy way to make up a stun baton(remembers old light saber wars when I was young...) I think the short stun batons might hurt a little more though. lol
picked my mask up for 20 dollars last coveralls..combat boots...
lol I can pitcure someone dressed as a combine patrolling the streets and doing random acts to the innocent civillians ^^

Edit:If they really are from World War 2, then they would be quite expensive... But there is always cheap versions to get :bounce:
does anyone know if we'll get to see any combine without their masks in the game? - and also what do you guys think of the weird language they shout in? is it some alien language or just some encrypted digital code they use to comunicate electronically? are they human under the masks or do those ww2 gas masks just ironically happen to fit their alien faces? what're the i so can not wait for this game...i'm sure no one knows this stuf...just wondering...
T.H.C.138 said:
Its a israeli gasmask..I got one last year for halloween..."Don't move citizen!!"

hmm.. gas leak scares in City17? :O
Danimal said:
lol I can pitcure someone dressed as a combine patrolling the streets and doing random acts to the innocent civillians ^^

I could, because thats exactly what flyingdebris did, except i don't think he beats civilians.

Heres the proof!
I'm sooooo being a COmbine this halloween, awesome.
I wanna go as a metrocop, but I don't think I'll be able to piece together an affordable costume by then.
I don't think they're exacly the same as those Israeli/Russian/whatever gas masks... the eyes actually appear to glow blue in some screenshots, and glowing mask eyes in games are usually used to represent night vision...
Rather than protect against gas they could be to protect the Combine against Earths atmosphere or help them to breath.
the gasmask is not the same, but its the closest design. the one in my avatar is the PNG-1 communist bulgarian gasmask. If you don't attach the filter (its about the size of a spool of CDs) it looks more or less like a combine mask. Its just a matter of adding some cosmetic touches like all the doodads on the back of the mask and adding blue lights in the eyes.
Yellonet said:
Actually it's not a gas-mask... they were used in WW1 to protect against mustard gas. The masks used today are "protective masks", the difference is that the former only protects against gas while the latter protects against all sorts of chemical compounds, gas, liquids, powder...

No, it's a gas mask. Trust me. It just looks like a protective gas mask.
I do think that the it is a gas mask, or a protective gas mask.

We have to wonder what is it that they are protecting themselves from. Maybe a certain part of our atmosphere, because a simple protective gas mask probably wouldn't defend them from it entirely(who knows actually because it is the future).

What about the suppressing their immune system scheme? Maybe they put the drugs to supress it in the food or water, but they could have put it somehow in the air(reason for the gas-masks perhaps).

Just a theory, I could be horribly wrong, I hope I can find out within 6 months though... :|