Combine Nation Episode 1


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
We would like to present the first episode for a new series being produced by Lit Fuse Films. 'Combine Nation' is a new high quality machinima comedy series produced in Garry's Mod. Think Cops-meets the office meets half-life 2, and you'll have a pretty good picture of what to expect. [br]
<object ><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" ></embed></object>​
You can view this video in a higher resolution and view more like it at their website.
That was okay but I can defiantly see it getting better. :)
Well, well made, entertaining. Waiting for more :)

EDIT: Holy shit, how could i have missed that site?!
a little basic humor wise but definately worth watching. Looking forward to the next one!
I don't usually like these sort of clips but it was ok, I was more impressed with how well it was put together though :)
That was really well made. Cant wait for episode 2.
Nice, good use of depth of field.
btw since when did munro have a carrot in his sig ?

That was really awesome. Great Camera work and lip-synching.
I guess one of them must be a Green Wing fan.

I liked it.
Personally I thought that this was the best HL2-based movie I have ever seen. Keep in mind that I don't watch many user-made movies. ;)

I felt that the editing and pacing as really well done.
I love half life 2 movies, totally awesome..this might just beat the CP video series..

how do they make these, how come the movie has really reflective shaders and depth of field?
Yeah, Garrys Mod has a couple of interesting post-production effects.
Well done guys, am impressed how well it all strung together. Hopefully more to come soon :)
Not that funny, really, but very nice production values all around. I'm impressed.
Pretty much sums it up. Get a better script going, atm it's almost purely incidental and barely any 'lol' humour (more like 'raise eyebrow wryly' humour).
Pretty much sums it up. Get a better script going, atm it's almost purely incidental and barely any 'lol' humour (more like 'raise eyebrow wryly' humour).

Heh, yep, I enjoyed it but was pretty much sitting with a default :| face the whole time :p
Agreed with the two previous posts.

Still nice editing.
Yeah I agree with the above. Not very funny or on the edge of your seat sort of viewing so a bit of a let down in that department but ultimatly it was very well put together so 2 thumbs up on the actual production. I was pretty amazed at how well it all looked. Get a script going and it could certainly go places.

I'll have to wait and see what they can do the 2nd time around.
Very nice. All they need is a script as hilarious as Civil Protection's, and it's awesome. Looking forward to new episodes.
Much better editing than CP, but not as humorous. Get some good writing down and you'll have something real special.