Combine radio chatter


Nov 8, 2003
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Im looking to make some new combine radio commands, anyone no any good sound editing tools to make voice recordings sound like the combine over the radio? I have tried using soundforge but just cant seem to get a good enough result.

Any help would be appreciated
Smoke about a half dozen cigarettes, buy a set of walkie talkies from radio shack, set one up near your computer's microphone, walk to another room with the other and record your commands. Edit later. That's how I'm doing radio commands in my mod.
I never saw any combines lighting up during the game....
I did. It's right in the Citadel's toilets, with the Combine Elite standing in front of the urinal. If you listen carefully, you can hear a Biozeminade sitting on the can...

-Angry Lawyer
comoxer said:
Im looking to make some new combine radio commands, anyone no any good sound editing tools to make voice recordings sound like the combine over the radio? I have tried using soundforge but just cant seem to get a good enough result.

Any help would be appreciated

I'm a fan of Cool Edit. But any good audio editor will do for sure. I recommend recording a series of commands and throwing a filter over them. Look for a filter preset called "phone" or even "walkie-talkie" or something similair and play with the settings a bit. Be sure to take some of the original combine radio squelches and FX and use them in your own.

Even better is the tip Glo-Boy gave IMO. I advise getting the crappiest pair of talkies you can find. You can also try recording in acoustically diverse locations. Every now and then I push my guitarist into the bathroom with the mic to lay down a track. Try recording over the phone even. The ends justify the means.
Guitar effects

Ive got a boss effects pedal for my guitar. Just crank up distort on it shove in a microphone and record it onto ur computer. It sounds awesome but maybe its too expensive. if u have muso friends see if they have one