Combine related to BM/human-made

May 21, 2003
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Well, theres always been disscussion as to what the combine really are, where the came from, and who they were. This is just a very small point I have to make that shows that the may be related to humans- in the barricade E3 2003 movie, when Gordon throws the grenade at the combine and the blow up, you hear the exact same "dead-pulse" beeb that you hear when gordon dies sometimes in HL1, meaning their suits are related to the HEV. Any thoughts?
is true and in others videos you can hear the "beeeeeeep"
If your talking about what I think you are its just part of the music.
ShadowBlade said:
If your talking about what I think you are its just part of the music.

No, whenever a combine dies it makes the flatline noise.
I wonder if Gordon will be able to take off the combine's "gas mask" to see what they actually look like underneath.. that is if the "gas mask" isnt actually part of their face. Like after you kill one, take off his mask to see what they are... i figure gordon knows nothing about the combine, so i think it would be curious to do that.
lol the combines are human beings , and yes i think the combine suits are related to the HEV suit , (the same beeep like in hl1 :) )
If they're humans than wtf is with their voice? They sound worse than the grunts talking on the radios in HL1 :)
maybe their coffee supplies were corrupt
Cyber$nake said:
If they're humans than wtf is with their voice? They sound worse than the grunts talking on the radios in HL1 :)
well imagine: their voice goes through a filter to make them anonym !
if we take out a gask mask of a combine what you think we will see?

1-a skeletical face

2-normal human face

3-another gask mask

I choose 3
that would be funny if there was another gas mask under their gas mask. but i think it's just their human face
i choose 4-nothing
because the is no face behind there masks(not even a face in the 3d-sense) so if you take it off you'll just watch through their head :p
HEV technology is general tech in the HL universe.

The millitary already uses it (mcv).

Anyway for all you know it was a placeholder sound
Aha! I knew the combine were related to the British Museum somehow! Maybe they're from the greek exhibition?
You what? Oh...I see...Black sure you didn't mean the British Museum?...ah...ok..well...
/me gets his coat.
Varg|Hund said:
Aha! I knew the combine were related to the British Museum somehow! Maybe they're from the greek exhibition?
You what? Oh...I see...Black sure you didn't mean the British Museum?...ah...ok..well...
* Varg|Hund gets his coat.
what the hell are you talking about ?
or just gordon going deaf because of a close grenade explosion..
what combine, you mean the striders? the alien gunship? the manhacks? who!

seriously, those aliens are all part of the combine. Combine is a name for the force that terrorizes city17 like the nazi's, In this force you include the striders, the metrocops, the combine soldiers, the manhacks, the alien gunship and dropship, and offcourse I am sure there will be others that take part in force
saying the combine soldiers are human is nonsense because the strider is a Biomech Creature. The metrocops and the Combine soldiers for example seem te be human, looking at the striders and alien gunships they might me enhanced by machinery, that might have them under controll or something.

Combine means harvesting, combining, It looks to me, (this is pure speculation but it fits everything mutch better then all the other stuff I have heard) as if the combine is some force controlled by something that harvest's planets and enslaves the race on the planet they are harvesting and use them in their army (combine force (combination of races)) or what not. It looks like the same is happening to earth because for example, the dried out seabed, This could be from the combine draining all the natural recources from earth like water. And why dr breen is in with these guys? braincontroll? I don't know. But the strategy to gain controll of earth would be a sneaky way. Because any intelligent being would realize that you would suffer a great risk by doing it the "independance day" way. So it would fit the combine force (an intelligent force) much more of have taken controll of the goverment by knocking on earth door and telling them , "hy, we are here to help you", "we can deal with your xen infestation problem" and get hailed by earth people and slowly take over the goverment with dr.breen as a spokes person, and moving the people of earth to "save havens" (reminder of drbreen telling you "It is safer here") (the number city's) so they are contained in guarded city's and telling them some wierd propaganda about them resquing them (the poster with the pidgeons and happy dansing people) so they are guarded from the rest of the planet and therefore not know what is happening (draining the water and stuff) Who know. you might could go to a length as saying that the combine force using xen as some decoy, letting them invade earth and weakening it so the combine can take over.. maby something to do with the boss in HL classic, The "alien slaves" might have gone free once the boss was destroyes by gordon in HL, left and joined our side now

Alot of the things I said make absolute sence, and I honestly would be totally suprised if I would be wrong about all this

I put it in spoiler tags to be sure
hes talking about the combine soldiers, which i think he made clear.
sorry evil but this theory is too easy , its wrong i think ! (ah and ive heard it a hundred times in this forums now :p)