combine shield


Oct 11, 2004
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Does anybody know how i could make a combine shield (or something similar). You know, the ones where you can shoot through from one side, but not the other? I tried to think how to do it, but i got confused :rolling:
I'm pretty certain you can't shoot through those at all. The only reason why the bunker guns in the antlion section can is because the barrel of the gun is sticking through the shield.

To create one of those shields you'll need to insert a prop_static from the props_combine folder. They are part of the various barricade and bunker peices.

Creating one of the checkpoint fields that allows everyone except Gordon to pass through would most likely be a case of a func_illusionary brush and a func_clip with a flag set to only clip players and not anything else, which is the way you would have done it in HL1. Maybe they have different entities for HL2, but I haven't checked it out yet myself.
there are some where you can shoot through, like the one where you have to shoot the plug to shut it off. Thanks for the help though. :D
Ah so you definately mean the one that the enemies can walk through. I'm pretty certain you can shoot all through all of them, they only stop unauthorised people (ie Gordon) from going through.

That's the one that is most likely a func_illusionary with a func_clip, though if you look around you'll probably find either a prop or entity that covers it properly. The border around the force field will almost certainly be a prop.