Combine Sniper Rifle

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Would anyone be intrested in skinning this for the city13 team ?(requires 3ds max 7)


new site www.city13. tk not completely finished though some more coding on the site still needs doing and new info on the system we're creating plus some more art, we need modelers and coders !!

“News of the destruction of the citadel in City17 has sent shockwaves through the world, now City13 has had enough of the oppression, choose your side, will you fight for freedom, or control. City13 is the centre of the network, the Combine needs this, and your choice is your chance.”

Fight in huge scaled battles in the struggle to grasp City13, as it is the centre piece with huge lands and huge risks.

“Two great strengths stand face to face but only one side can see the behind the opposing force.”

Here's what will set our mod apart

System Revisions


Taken From Thread

each person has a class, eg Heavy Weapons Expert - Lower speed , higher health, powerful gun

So, for our mod, it would be like this

Each Type will need an image too show their character and maybe a weapon image


Ranking Highest To Lowest

White Combine - Slower Speed, High Health, Main Weapon - Combine Bolter/Rocket Launcher
Nova Prospekt ones (need re skinning cos they have a big nove prospekt sign on their back, i'll change it too City13) - Medium Health, Medium Speed - Grenades, shotgun, magnum so on
Combine with black masks - Fast, medium health, inaccurate combine machine gun, grenades
Combine with white masks (civil Protection) - Fast, low health, Inaccurate combine machine gun, Grenades, pistol

Each class will need a image of the player to display like in CS where you choose your character model so on.

Weapon Cache/Locker -

- Not really a system but more a model, just looks good, in each base and parts around the map, like UT2004

Game Types

- Team Deathmatch
- Team Objectives
- Kill The Komisar
- Vehicle DeathMatch (destroy all enemies vehicles instead of players)
- Huge Battlefield ones, Destroy team base or objective based (CTF so on), but maps are huge, and include all types of vehicles including striders :D
- We will not include deathmatch as it would wipe the story/concept for this mod

Grav Gun

Back Story - We have received a file from Dr.Kliener, he says it is blueprints to the
final weapon that will help us win this battle, we will run out of supplies
eventually, this he says, will utilise every object we see into a weapon, a prototype
is being created'

The prototype will be the in game weapon, maybe re skinned ? due to the fact the resistance would of had too
make it out of their own materials they could find (apart from the orange core)

Snipers -

- I am trying to find a modeller to design a combine sniper rifle
- Their will only be allowed one sniper per team, he will have heavy armor on.

Mp3 -

- The game will have a built in MP3 Playlist, the original game will come with preloaded MP3's that our music creators have kindly donated.
the site link is broken and many of the links except one but it sounds pretty cool
no, the site link is broken cos i had to space it, type in (w/out spaces) w w w . c i t y 1 3 . t k and it will work
Wow... that mod sure looks amazing. But sorry, im no help at this matter.
Your mod looks great, mabye you could just jack the models and animations from the hl2 beta?

It was skinned and fully functional. Bolt action sniper rifle that killed all in 1 hit (well, i only used it on the combine), very veyr large bullets. It was very sexy- too bad they cut it out
that menu screen is absolutely beautiful!

don't think they could do that, jesus lincoln, Valve might be a bit touchy about it.

You could try emailing Valve and asking for it though...
Hmm, this should be moved in General Editing. There are alot of artists there, I'm sure one would be able to help.
Sweet menu.
Enough of this. You were warned long ago to stop advertising your mod or you would be banned. You've made over 20 threads tricking people to go to the thread to see your mod.
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