Combine Soldier VS Antlion Guard


Jul 14, 2004
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In this photo you can see Alyx and the Combine Soldiers fighting an Antlion Guard.

Did I miss something when playing HL2 that says Combine Soldiers are not friendlies with Antlion Guards?

Come to think of it, I'm still confused as to what antlions are. Are they part synth? If they are, this confuses me, because in the above link you can see soldiers fighting the antlion...

Antlion Guards are aliens, and have always attacked the combine
TST_Devgru Seal said:
In this photo you can see Alyx and the Combine Soldiers fighting an Antlion Guard.

Did I miss something when playing HL2 that says Combine Soldiers are not friendlies with Antlion Guards?

Come to think of it, I'm still confused as to what antlions are. Are they part synth? If they are, this confuses me, because in the above link you can see soldiers fighting the antlion...


Antlions are not synth. Do they look like self replicating robots? No. They are simply aliens that came through during the portal storms, and the combine soldiers are shooting it too.
Um, how could you have missed the fact that antlion guards attack the Combine and vice versa? There's a whole chapter - Nova Prospekt - full of Combine troops being slaughtered by antlions and antlion guards. That includes one scene where a bunch of Combine charge into the room you're in, while firing backwards at an antlion guard which proceeds to kill them all.

So, yeah, that photo shows nothing surprising.

My opinion on the antlions (and the general consensus I think) is that they came from Xen in the portal storms and have bred since being on Earth.
Alright..For some reason i was thinking different..

As well as the Bugbait chapters...I dunno, thx anyways
Those combine dont seem to be attacking Alyx.Maybe there too busey containing the aliens.:sniper:
Kare Bear said:
Those combine dont seem to be attacking Alyx.Maybe there too busey containing the aliens.:sniper:

Take down the bigger threat.
Or they are teaming up with you to get out of C17 alive because the citidel is blowing up.

I think I read somewhere they they are... oh well.
Puzzlemaker said:
Or they are teaming up with you to get out of C17 alive because the citidel is blowing up.

I think I read somewhere they they are... oh well.
No, you read someone speculating that.
I loved my little army of Antlions :) ..... but then i sent em off to die an inevitable death :( ... i couldn't sleep for days after that .... until i met up with their mother and she tried to stab at my throat so i shot the biatch about 500 times .... after that i didn't give a f*** and proceeded playing Half-Life 2 :D
ríomhaire said:
No, you read someone speculating that.

AH, thanks, that helps.

Although, it is kind of curious. Why are there antlions in C17?

One possible theory is the defenses went down when the citidel blew up. Which... would not be good. At all.

And since the citidel is down, there isn't really anywhere for the combine to HIDE, per say. They cant lock themselves behind massive walls and wait it out, they have to get out of there and to another city that had defense against the antlions. And other things. Ouch, I just realized that. Antlions arn't necesarilly the only thing that gets into the city...
Puzzlemaker said:
AH, thanks, that helps.

Although, it is kind of curious. Why are there antlions in C17?

Its been confirmed that with the Citadel going up, the city defences are down and the wasteland lot are flocking in.
you say that the combine are shooting at the antlions because they're aliens, but so are the combine aint they? where are people getting their info on the story lines? i get the story line in half life 1, but as from the start of half life 2 its very confusing
you say that the combine are shooting at the antlions because they're aliens, but so are the combine aint they?

That does not meen there allies.The antlions are just animals.The combine are a military.

where are people getting their info on the story lines? i get the story line in half life 1, but as from the start of half life 2 its very confusing

Heres an interview with valve lots of info there :)
I speculate the main plot of Aftermath will be learning something major about the Government Man, and a whole chapter of new friendlies and new baddies will be revealed in preparation for HL3.
Pesmerga said:
I speculate the main plot of Aftermath will be learning something major about the Government Man, and a whole chapter of new friendlies and new baddies will be revealed in preparation for HL3.

We don't know it means Government man....

It isn't even his name, actually.
Samon said:
We don't know it means Government man....

It isn't even his name, actually.

I'm 99% sure Valve refers to him as the G-Man when developing HL3.

Besides, it doesn't matter what his name is. He's still an important person regardless of his name.
Minerel said:
G-Man is a word.
Guess what it means?

Gman isn't even his name, guess what that means?

Yes, Pesmerga, I suppose they do, as a nickname. But the actual character doesn't even have an official name yet.
"G-Man" is a description. It is used to identify the person who seems to be manipulating a lot of elements behind the scenes as Gordon goes thru the story.
He's called that because he looks like a stereotype of a civil servant bureaucrat.

Its like the "Smoking Man" nickname from the X-Files, everyone knew that was not
the characters real name, but since he never revealed his name, it was the only
way to talk about him without confusing other people.
Luke0086 said:
you say that the combine are shooting at the antlions because they're aliens, but so are the combine aint they? where are people getting their info on the story lines? i get the story line in half life 1, but as from the start of half life 2 its very confusing
So I guess humans never shoot at other terrestrial animals or each other huh?
Anyway, where do people get their info from?

A. The Game. It’s vague but if you pay very close attention you should be able to figure out a lot. (You should at least have noticed that there are 4 different “groups” Xen Fauna, Combine, Resistance/Vortigaunts, and Antlions. All these will attack each other.

B. Raising the Bar has one metric assload of info.
Iamthemonkey said:
The Combine soldiers could be rebels in disguise.

Source AI tries to remove the greatest threat first before proceeding. When fighting Antlion Guards in Nova Prospekt, Overwatch seems to barely notice you until you start killing some.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
Source AI tries to remove the greatest threat first before proceeding. When fighting Antlion Guards in Nova Prospekt, Overwatch seems to barely notice you until you start killing some.
Eaxctly. And I'm getting sick of all these people saying that Combine Soldiers will be friendly with you in Aftermath just because of this screenshot. An Antlion Guard is much more dangerous than Alyx with her pea-shooter, and that means you should take out the Antlion Guard first.

The only question this screenshot should bring up is what branch of the Combine Overwatch are those soldiers from. It's been proven that their uniform is not the type seen in Half-Life 2 at least.