Come back to Planetside!


May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Yes, its over two years old now, but don't worry, a massive amount of improvements have been made, and theres a 10 day trial available for all you non-believers! Remember the good old days when it first came out? They're back! The fights are better than ever ( with less BFRs ;) ) and with more and more people returning they can only get bigger and bigger. Theres been a new game mode called 'Rabbit' introduced, promoting outdoor fights too :D

Had a great fight last night, BFRs got owned, thanks to massive amout of aircraft around, and I have to say its times like these that make PS the great game that it is.

Few Screenies :D

1) zomgz flak!

2) Teamwork works!

3) Die, bfr!

Any old PS players, please post your thoughts and opinions :D
P.S, sorry for oversized pics :x
I hvave to say, that does look awesome.

Also, play City of Villains.
Planetside did provide alot of memorable moments...
After about a year, It got stale... But I'm willing to get back into it.
Planetside 2 would be awesome... More factions... Better graphics... An expanded arsenal... Naval combat... etc.
Sweet, I've been dying to play PS again.
Every game I have is getting pretty boring now.
This should pick things up. ^.^
NC ftw.
you say planetside i say wow lets call the whole thing off. lol!
I had PS, it was very good; just it would slow up loads in the big battles.
Also I found it had the same problems as BF2 but on a bigger scale...too little teamwork. Like you find yourself stranded in the middle of a massive island, and no1 comes to help you, or people fly around in massive carriers and dont actually pick any1 up.
Uhm, when I click the "10 day trial" advert, I get this.

You currently do not have an active paying subscription for PlanetSide(tm).

Click here to subscribe!

and this

Your PlanetSide Account Key activates your subscription to PlanetSide and ties the game to your Station Account.

So where do I get this key?:\

Sorry but I can't seem to find it.:p
yeah, ive been getting back into PS also, some enhancements make it alot better, like the strategic map thing just released, and the updated ranks to BR 25 instead of 20
Gargantou said:
Uhm, when I click the "10 day trial" advert, I get this.

You currently do not have an active paying subscription for PlanetSide(tm).

Click here to subscribe!

and this

Your PlanetSide Account Key activates your subscription to PlanetSide and ties the game to your Station Account.

So where do I get this key?:\

Sorry but I can't seem to find it.:p

You need to find someone who has an active account to send you a key. I would send you mine but it says I only have provisional (?) active acount. ;(
Nice to see people still play it. :)

Bought Planetside plus the expansion pack last year and it was very fun. Though I were disappointed with the BFR's when I got it (and that was a pain in the butt), though it was fun to have a good secondary gunner. Especially one intelligent enough to follow your orders. :p

I'll post some of my old screenies if I find them. :)
Do you need a credit card for the trial? Knowing how lame Sony's online games are, no doubt you need one.

EDIT: Turns out I was right. WoW does another thing right that the competition gets wrong :P
StardogChampion said:
Do you need a credit card for the trial? Knowing how lame Sony's online games are, no doubt you need one.

EDIT: Turns out I was right. WoW does another thing right that the competition gets wrong :P

Nope, you dont, notice its called recruit a buddy. You need an actual paid PS account to get a key which you then send to someone who wants one.
Some of my old pictures taken last year. :)




That's one big gun you got there, lady!




Heh, I bailed out from a airplane and fell right down on this tree. :E

I was in an outfit-clan named "Long forgotten soldiers", I think it was one of the biggest in the game.
I enjoyed what I played of Planetside, but I get most of what I liked about it in BF2 for free.
Hah, not likely.

With SOE about to bulldoze the game into the ground with lack of funding, the good developers(planet side is only about 4 developers without an art team) are all dropping.

And more advertising on the way with no tangible benefit for the player base, I don't think so.
Someone invite me so I can get the free 10 day trial!

I'll play on your server too so we can kick some butt the way!
^Ben said:
Hah, not likely.

With SOE about to bulldoze the game into the ground with lack of funding, the good developers (planet side is only about 4 developers without an art team) are all dropping.

And more advertising on the way with no tangible benefit for the player base, I don't think so.

Actually the european players dont get ads at all :D
Yeah, despite all the old good times with PS, I can't go back anymore. Now that I have BF2, CS:S, and console games to play, it just can't happen.

I'll miss thee. Vanu Forever.
Is there a way to get the trial without someone inviting me?

If no...someone invite me dangit!
It looks like a cheap HL1 mod, i'm suppose to pay monthly for that? Jah right!
hmmmm, Planetside was very good to me when it was first released. Its actually a very good game, but the game was not very complete when it was first released. The weapons feeled crappy and it was plagued with lag. What I played I liked but it only lasted a small amount of time. If it was released at the quality it is now I would surly play it. But honestly its just been released completely wrong.