I don't know how many people still play this old game but I do and there's just one mod that I think is really fun and other people should try it.
CS:S WoW mod
(This server is not like other Warcraft servers which
are based on Warcraft 3.This server is the World
of Warcraft mod in CS:S.)
For those who don't want to read details, server IP's: - EU (also known as wowmod.eu) - USA (also known as wowmod.us)
Type /referrer 15126 when you first join the server!
Getting Started
First thing to do is to pick a class
Warrior (DPS, Tank)
Warriors equip themselves carefully for combat and engage their enemies head-on, letting attacks glance off their heavy armor. They use diverse combat tactics and a wide variety of weapon types to protect their more vulnerable allies. Warriors must carefully master their rage – the power behind their strongest attacks – in order to maximize their effectiveness in combat.
Rogue (DPS)
Rogue is the 'sneaky' class in the game. It hides itself by lowering it's visibility ingame,
making it harder to spot. It also has added bonuses for attacking behind and from the shadows.
Most of the players think the rogue as an 'Over powered' class,
because of it's ability to hide in the shadows and kill quickly behind the target.
Mage (DPS)
Mage focuses on high spell attacks, they die easily but can make huge damage in seconds!
Paladin (DPS, Tank, Healer)
Paladin is a multi fighting class, which can heal, deal damage and tank. It's a great class overall. It focuses on Seal damage, strength and regular criticals as a DpS. It can pull off some pretty nice healing also with the correct gear, making it pretty nice. As a tank, Paladin focuses on healing itself and having high armor. In boss events it uses Seal of Command to gain the threat.
Priest(DPS, Healer)
The priest is the cornerstone of the team. Priests are casters focused around healing with a few damaging spells. They have several heal and protection and spells varying between single target and aoe.
Shaman (DPS, Healer)
Shaman is a class that can deal off very nice gun damage but also some magic damage. The class has 3 talent trees, which each focus on different things.
Warlock (DPS)
Warlock is a class that depends on it's stamina and inteligence. It's mainly doing DoT (Damage over Time) damage, but it can also do clear damage with a talent tree.
DeathKnight (DPS, Tank)
Death Knight is the latest and the most promising class in wow mod.
If you like to annoy other players with slowdowns, gripping, tanking, throwing spells, or just shooting - this one is for you!
[size=14pt]Second thing to do is to pick two professions[/size]
- Craft armor for Paladin, Warrior and DeathKnight
- Craft trinket, ring and neck for all classes
- Gather resources for blacksmithing and jewelcrafting
- Craft leather for Rogue and Shaman
- Gather resources for leatherworking
- Craft cloth for Mage, Warlock and Priest
- Gather resources for tailoring
- Extract magical dusts, essences and shards for use to enchant various attributes, powers, and properties to all sorts of equipable items
If you have done these easy steps you are ready to start
Learning more
There are few money types in this mod.
Silver is the most common currency type in wow mod.
There are different equipment for each class and talent tree.
Also there are 4 types with different rarity: Uncommon, rare, epic and legendary
14 pieces of different equipment:
Back, Chest, Feet, Hands, Helmet,
Legs Neck, Ring, Shield, Shoulder,
Trinket, Waists, Weapon and Wrists
At the moment there are only Mage, Warlock and Warrior boss. More will come soon
A boss fight is around 5 rounds.
To kill the boss you have to follow the tactics, they are very important.
This is why we have Tanks, DPS'ers and Healers, tank will hold threat while healers heal and DPS'ers attack the boss.
Servers and Sites
Our sites are
- WoWmod.eu (Forums)
- Wiki.WoWmod.eu (You can find most of the info you just read in this thread + more)
- Stats.WoWmod.eu
- Data.WoWmod.eu
- Bans.WoWmod.eu (In case you get banned you can check the reason here)
Servers IP's
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm EU - Connect wowmod.eu (In console)
- Server hosted in EU
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm USA - Connect wowmod.us
- Server hosted in US
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm Arena Server - Connect wowmod.eu:27019
- Used for 2v2, 4v4 and 5v5 matches to get honor points to buy special equipment
- WoW arena map
(The servers are linked to each other so you will still have your same characters if you join another server)
Pictures of effects and fights: http://imageshack.us/g/812/deaztec0002j.jpg/
CS:S WoW mod

(This server is not like other Warcraft servers which
are based on Warcraft 3.This server is the World
of Warcraft mod in CS:S.)
For those who don't want to read details, server IP's: - EU (also known as wowmod.eu) - USA (also known as wowmod.us)
Type /referrer 15126 when you first join the server!
Getting Started
First thing to do is to pick a class
Warrior (DPS, Tank)
Warriors equip themselves carefully for combat and engage their enemies head-on, letting attacks glance off their heavy armor. They use diverse combat tactics and a wide variety of weapon types to protect their more vulnerable allies. Warriors must carefully master their rage – the power behind their strongest attacks – in order to maximize their effectiveness in combat.
Rogue (DPS)
Rogue is the 'sneaky' class in the game. It hides itself by lowering it's visibility ingame,
making it harder to spot. It also has added bonuses for attacking behind and from the shadows.
Most of the players think the rogue as an 'Over powered' class,
because of it's ability to hide in the shadows and kill quickly behind the target.
Mage (DPS)
Mage focuses on high spell attacks, they die easily but can make huge damage in seconds!
Paladin (DPS, Tank, Healer)
Paladin is a multi fighting class, which can heal, deal damage and tank. It's a great class overall. It focuses on Seal damage, strength and regular criticals as a DpS. It can pull off some pretty nice healing also with the correct gear, making it pretty nice. As a tank, Paladin focuses on healing itself and having high armor. In boss events it uses Seal of Command to gain the threat.
Priest(DPS, Healer)
The priest is the cornerstone of the team. Priests are casters focused around healing with a few damaging spells. They have several heal and protection and spells varying between single target and aoe.
Shaman (DPS, Healer)
Shaman is a class that can deal off very nice gun damage but also some magic damage. The class has 3 talent trees, which each focus on different things.
Warlock (DPS)
Warlock is a class that depends on it's stamina and inteligence. It's mainly doing DoT (Damage over Time) damage, but it can also do clear damage with a talent tree.
DeathKnight (DPS, Tank)
Death Knight is the latest and the most promising class in wow mod.
If you like to annoy other players with slowdowns, gripping, tanking, throwing spells, or just shooting - this one is for you!
[size=14pt]Second thing to do is to pick two professions[/size]
- Craft armor for Paladin, Warrior and DeathKnight
- Craft trinket, ring and neck for all classes
- Gather resources for blacksmithing and jewelcrafting
- Craft leather for Rogue and Shaman
- Gather resources for leatherworking
- Craft cloth for Mage, Warlock and Priest
- Gather resources for tailoring
- Extract magical dusts, essences and shards for use to enchant various attributes, powers, and properties to all sorts of equipable items
If you have done these easy steps you are ready to start
Learning more
There are few money types in this mod.
Silver is the most common currency type in wow mod.
- Silver is mostly used for
- Buying items from shop
Profession recipes
Profession reagents
Gold is special wow mod currency.
Gold is mostly used for- Buy epic items and exp tomes
Subscribe for a premium account
Trading with players
- Buying items from shop
There are different equipment for each class and talent tree.
Also there are 4 types with different rarity: Uncommon, rare, epic and legendary
14 pieces of different equipment:
Back, Chest, Feet, Hands, Helmet,
Legs Neck, Ring, Shield, Shoulder,
Trinket, Waists, Weapon and Wrists
At the moment there are only Mage, Warlock and Warrior boss. More will come soon
A boss fight is around 5 rounds.
To kill the boss you have to follow the tactics, they are very important.
This is why we have Tanks, DPS'ers and Healers, tank will hold threat while healers heal and DPS'ers attack the boss.
Servers and Sites
Our sites are
- WoWmod.eu (Forums)
- Wiki.WoWmod.eu (You can find most of the info you just read in this thread + more)
- Stats.WoWmod.eu
- Data.WoWmod.eu
- Bans.WoWmod.eu (In case you get banned you can check the reason here)
Servers IP's
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm EU - Connect wowmod.eu (In console)
- Server hosted in EU
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm USA - Connect wowmod.us
- Server hosted in US
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm Arena Server - Connect wowmod.eu:27019
- Used for 2v2, 4v4 and 5v5 matches to get honor points to buy special equipment
- WoW arena map
(The servers are linked to each other so you will still have your same characters if you join another server)

Pictures of effects and fights: http://imageshack.us/g/812/deaztec0002j.jpg/