Comments please- (my weapon)


Jul 4, 2003
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Hey everyone, just made this up in a sketch and modelled it.. I'd like to hear some opinions before i go on to do smoothing groups, and then get the uvw coordinates and start painting... So tell me what you think :cheers:

(BTW, I made all this up, then name and everything... Its a type of plasma gun :) )
Its a bit anguler and whats with the magazine?
Thats the look i wanted.. I dunno what else to say It is supposed to be angular, my concept sketch was anuglar :) Oh and thats not a magazine, its a grip... this weapon isn't going to have a set amount of ammo, and you don't reload it just overheats if used to often and has a cool down period while it charges and readies to be shot again

(oh and once i do my smoothing groups it won't be so angular in spots)
It is just something i made up, its a plasma gun of some sort (im not going for real world weapons obviously) I'm thinking along the lines of alien technology (not super advanced aliens more like brutes and grunts :) ) And what do you mean can you also fire it? Not right this minute no? ( it isn't ready for animation yet... its not even smoothed or skinned as said above)
cool gun, but jsut a little qualm I had... if it's a plamsa gun, and it doesn't have a magazine, that must mena that thing in form it a grip. try and make it remotly comfortable to hold. that grip looks like it would rip my hands to shreads.
Well lets say that the alien grunts that are holding it have really leathery skin and only three big fingers with huge claws so thats probably as comfortable as they could get :)