Commercial jet flies with anti-missile system


Jan 17, 2006
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LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- An MD-10 cargo jet equipped with Northrop Grumman's Guardian anti-missile system took off from Los Angeles International Airport on a commercial flight Tuesday, the company said.

The FedEx flight marked the start of operational testing and evaluation of the laser system designed to defend against shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles during takeoffs and landings.

This is starting to get rediculous :P
"what if teh terrorists launch a missile at our commercial jets"
"uhhhh, lets make war-jets out of them"
Oh thank god :p I only got to see "Commercial jet flies.." and I thought someone pulled a WTC.

Looks pretty silly though :p
Laser defence system?!:eek:

" Face it general you are no mach fo mah lasers!!!!" :laugh:
more likey to be flares than a laser defence system...

something similar to this I bet

more likey to be flares than a laser defence system...

something similar to this I bet


Ahh the angle flares...those look AWESOME. I always wished them to incorperate that into BF2 :P
more likey to be flares than a laser defence system...

Oh yeah?

"Guardian system, which is based on combat-proven, laser-based technology currently in production for the U.S. military and international customers"

"Northrop Grumman is uniquely qualified in providing defensive systems for aircraft for more than 60 years, including industry leading infrared and laser technologies for the past 35 years."
Thats like those laser-thingies in C&C Generals, what were they called again :S Avengers or something. You could upgrade that crap on planes as well as airforce general.
Awesome pic.

So it can fly with an anti missile system. Big deal. Can it fly if it's sitting on a treadmill moving opposite to it at the same speed? That's something worth pondering.
Thats like those laser-thingies in C&C Generals, what were they called again :S Avengers or something. You could upgrade that crap on planes as well as airforce general.

Well actually there is a prototype hummer that's remarcably similar in both concept and looks to the avenger, but the downside to the real thing is that it depleats it's energy source in about a minute:( . I think they said it uses chemical lasers or something like that.
Yeah the phalanx system. I think I saw a scene in "The sum of all fears" with two fighters attacking a US aircraft carrier and the phalanx system managed to shoot down 3 of the 4 missile fired at it. Cool
That's pretty awesome, sounds like something a Bond villain would get on his private jet
Yeah the phalanx system. I think I saw a scene in "The sum of all fears" with two fighters attacking a US aircraft carrier and the phalanx system managed to shoot down 3 of the 4 missile fired at it. Cool

Thats pretty cool.
I'd think in real life the Phalanx + Goalkeeper system would shoot down all rockets unless they're fired from extreme close range. Its computer targeted miniguns going beserk :P
all this anti missle tech for a courier company? what exactly is FedEx delivering that needs to be protected? (letters to santa? "dear John" letters addressed to troops stationed in iraq?), and where the hell are they delivering to that they need this tech to protect them rocket launcher attacks? sierra leon? bagdhad? washington dc?
Hey, it provides jobs for hundreds of workers, if nothing else. :E

By capitalising on fear.
also makes for cheap fireworks

terrorist 1: hey look it's a fed ex plane ..wanna see some pretty lights?

terrorst 2: sure why not

terrorist 1: <fires missle>

terrorist 2: ooohh the colours pretty it again
Why would someone spend thousands of dollars for an anti-missile system like that when all you need is a harpoon at the back of the aircraft that fires off high velocity netting to tangle the missile?
Well the aeroplane scans the area below it... so the plane will be destroyed in that case (I guess they're assuming airport security is sufficient).
Why would someone spend thousands of dollars for an anti-missile system like that when all you need is a harpoon at the back of the aircraft that fires off high velocity netting to tangle the missile?

lol are you serious?
Newsflash Sept 07:

State of the art Fed Ex plane taken down by man carrying box cutter, anti missle defense system completely useless, terrorist overheard saying "Missles? we dont need no stinkin missles"
Oh thank god :p I only got to see "Commercial jet flies.." and I thought someone pulled a WTC.

Looks pretty silly though :p
I thought that a commercial jet had used an anti-missile system for propulsion. I was sorely disappointed.
What was the answer to that question again?

The answer is no. Cars move by turning their wheels. On planes, the wheels just spin freely. Its all about air passing over/under the wings...
Defense contractors need to sell their shit, all the post 9/11 bs keeps the money rolling in.
Yeah, that bearman who's building that HALO suit should start making his suit so commercial jet passengers can jump out of the airplane if it gets hijacked.
Lotsa cash available for any wacky idea so why not :P
Anti-terrorism necklaces, made from the finest seaweed and endowed with the magical properties of ginger-garlic paste.

Contact 99.vikram at [email protected]
Be pretty funny in a future world war... everyone fires their shit and when the dust settles, no one has died.

Due to the american military contractors selling their shit worldwide, everyone will have the same tier of weapons technology, and thus no one will be able to get a shot through enemy engagement lines. The feba would be crowded with 12 year old kids screaming at their combat gear yelling "l0l MOUSE JAM!" or "I'M NOT USING MY OWN KEYBOARD! I WOULD SO TOTALLY PWN U IF I HAD MY OWN KEYBOARD"
Next on the list of retarded defense programs: "figure out where we can enter idkfa to enable god mode"

Heh, at least we're heading back to the sticks and stones age like Einstein predicted ;)
Propulsion systems based on lasers for space are in (very early) development.

Photons have momentum, so lasers could be used... theoretically.