Commercials you once found funny/good but now hate

I hate about 98%-99.99% of all the commercials out there. I really think it is sad people can be persuaded in favor of their products by the commercials these days. And advertisers are a lower species than lawyers.
I love most big commercials today. They're short, creative, funny, and have little to do with the product.
Can't think of any right now. I actually like a lot of ads, and the ones I hate I generally purge from my memory.
In New york, this s blasted out 3x an hour on several stations

No, NO, NOOOO, I will not dial 8773934448

8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448 8773934448

The world ends when you don't dial. TYPE IT OR DIE!

oh, and it's a fruitless attempt to buy the immigrant population's trust.
that doesn't make me want to get optimum, it makes me hate the rap music even more, what did the video of pirates and sh*t have to do with phone/TV/internet service?
who thought that would bring in customers?
This guy designed it.
