Common crash for others?


Nov 11, 2003
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God I hate moving important files >>shivers<<

Anyway, got my mits on a new WD 100GB SE! Got it for $35 and a WD 40GB! So here was my layout:

C: - Master - WD40GB
D: - Slave - WD40GB
T: - Slave - WD100GBSE (on IDE2)

I am replacing D: with T: (It's labeled T so I don't run into issues moving it to D) all CD-ROMS are unplugged and disconnected. So my PC only sees the drives labeled above. The 100GB is formatted and XP is working like usual, the thing I am doing next is copying my files over from the D drive to the T drive (respectively 30GB of files and documents and music). The issue I had was when I did HUGE copies it BSOD'd after 10min or so. I figure this is a paging error because when I copied each folder separately it worked like magic. The files were not in use either, and I did not copy the "pagefile.sys", "RECYCLER", or "system volume information" folders.

My system can, more than well enough, handle this kind of job:
1GB Corsair XMS Pro Dual Channel
(all temps and settings are functional and within limits)

What I think happened:
I heard that with 1GB of RAM paging errors are more common? I think it ran into so many that it gave up.

As of now the drive works fine, I am using it fully, and tested it with Sisoft. Everything checks out....
not really sure what happened there, i use norton ghost all the time to move the entire contents of drives around from drive to drive , even between differing sizes.
it is very handy for just such an occasion. i also keep a spare drive ready to go at all times, kind of like a cold swap. never had any swap file issues. FYI.