Communication idea: All Dead Talk(dead hear all living)

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All Dead Talk


thats it... Some people hate all talk, alot of servers have it. Here is a compromise... all dead can talk and hear each other, but the living can only hear thier own team. Pretty much everyone I ran that idea by really liked it. Any takers? Another option can be added: all dead can hear all living, in order to add the "talking smack" element... and its even cooler cause those dead punks cant talk back You could blow some dude away and be like "Sit Down Bizaztch!!", and they could hear you but not be able to talk back.

The only other thing I would add is to add team dead talk, so that a team can start planning for the next round once a sufficient number of teamates are dead.
Um. Heh. It's already like that, bud. Maybe Valve stole your idea or something... heh...
Haha, that's the best idea I've heard today :D. I guess Valve beat you to it though :D rofl
I have an idea too!
Valve should making it so that pressing Y lets you type to other players!
This is - surprise, surprise! - already being used, and as this thread will only be spammed to death, I'm going to lock it. :)
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