Community boycots Call of Duty 2

pathetic!dont like the game,dont play it then.
lol like COD 2 is the only ****in ww2 based game out there.
wtf did they release this game anyway?its cod with new graphics.
nothing revolutionary about it.go play dod,its free.
It's Uriel!

...and a friendly reminder why image signatures are teh poopy-pants.
What exactly is the problem with CoD2? What needs to be fixed?
TwwIX said:
pathetic!dont like the game,dont play it then.
lol like COD 2 is the only ****in ww2 based game out there.
wtf did they release this game anyway?its cod with new graphics.
nothing revolutionary about it.go play dod,its free.
Aren't they just doing that by boycotting it =)
****ing whiners.

They're probably working on a patch but don't want to announce it just yet.
Christ... They're impatient.
The game hasn't even been out that long.
*sigh* People are silly. Making such a huge fuss.
Sounds similar to the complaints we've seen about Battlefield 2. The funny thing is that in the Battlefield forums, it's always the guy with 559 posts and 50,000 global points that are complaining the game is so buggy and horrible, boycott the expansion, sue EA, etc etc. The average player doesn't know and doesn't care about every little bug or problem. I mean it sounds like CoD 2 has some problems... but to fix it you'd have the issue we have with Valve, the game comes out flawless... but 2 years late.
From what i have read this is more than just a buggy game. This is being based on:
a) lack of communication from the Dev's and Publishers of CoD2 with the community members
b) senior figures behind the CoD series denying presence of a mod scene and not helping mod teams
c) not anti-cheat systems in place allowing mass hacking to occur
Evo is right, that's what it's all about.

About arguement b:
I'm a big fan of the mod community, so we tried to make COD as accessible to modding as possible - but the modders just weren't there. They were doing all kinds of mods for Allied Assault, but for Call Of Duty it wasn't anywhere near the same level. And we made the game much easier to mod than Allied Assault... In AA, there was nothing - you had to hack the executable to make a mod. So if I could go back and have time to work on the game more, I'd spend it making the game more accessible to the modding masses, with more robust tools.
TheSomeone said:
*watches 3 out of 3000 servers shut down.*
Its inevitable. Some guy will break his disk in protest, thinking everyone else is going to, but they won't. And then he'll be sad :*(
Mine requires a patch, to explain the problem I'm having I'll just copy/paste a post I made on Planet CallofDuty.

You know the end of the 2nd last level on the British campaign, the level where you shoot the planes with the AA gun? Well, from the point where you see the half track, and it reverses, you follow it then a tank comes and saves you, I experienced a bug (I think).

What happens is that when I get shot the character makes that heavy breathing sound but there's no blood effect all over the screen. The sound he makes when the message "You are hurt. Take cover." comes up. Then, no matter how long I stay in cover the breathing doesn't go away, and I die the next time I get shot.

Since I was near the end of a level I thought maybe there was a limit to the number of times you can just shake off a near lethal hit and I had effectively "run out" of "revives". But now it has happened early on, on the second American level.

It was so unbelievably frustrating the first time it happened and I only had a tiny piece of the level to finish. So I thought I should get some more info before attempting to finish this level.

So basically, I cant play the last 3rd of the game without a patch.
Evo said:
a) lack of communication from the Dev's and Publishers of CoD2 with the community members
b) senior figures behind the CoD series denying presence of a mod scene and not helping mod teams
c) not anti-cheat systems in place allowing mass hacking to occur

Guys, wana read this again! From what i read they aren't requesting a patch. They have set a deadline of 16th December for IW/Activ to tell the Community something concrete. Be this that they don't plan to do anything more with the game, or that they will continue to work on the game.

Can be arsed getting the relevant quotes from the thread, need to go to bed soon.

Other points, from some of the posts i read they are complaining these are issues stretching back to CoD v.1.00, thats two years old. They feel the hacks etc being used were present in CoD v.1.00 but were erradicated in CoD v.1.06. They likened IW to ignoring the progress made with CoD v.1.06 and leaving massive holes in the code to be exploited.

On a smiliar vein, the Enemy Down BF2 ladder seems to be collapsing after the sacking of one of the admins and another resigning shortyl after. Clans have started to leave for other leagues like Clanbase

Things are occuring which are gonna be affecting many clans in both CoD 2 and BF2

Edit: Im sure someone can find the relevant quotes during their spare time :P
DeusExMachinia said:
Mormon's dont play videogames ;).

They don't wear condoms eaither.

Oh yeah. I went there.


But yeah, a boycott on a video game is just immature and childish. Video games are a luxury. Don't like how they're making the games? Then stop buying them. You don't need them.

Ok, so you stop buying them and say it's a boycott. Hurray for you! You stepped out of the fetus! Now jump out of that womb by remembering that nobody cares about your imatient requests. Sit down, shut up, don't buy the game, and be mature about it.

Requesting a patch is one thing, but being all "HEY MAN! I'm not going to play your game till you release this patch, FIGHT THE POWER *huffs weed*" is not the way to go about it. Again, it's immature and childish, not rebellious and revolutionary. You're only hurting yourself, by forcing yourself to not play the game, because you think it'll help. You could INSTEAD, play the game, and suck up to the issues. You'll still have fun, and you can still wait for the patch.

My point is, Activision doesn't care if these guys boycott the game. Woop? What's that mister big executive man? 20 lost customers? Oh well, we've still got billions of other kids enjoying our game.
Kids. Little kids who think they are cool!
Why is everyone here being so negative? As far as I can tell they are only mad because the head of IW has dissed the modding community and not given them ANY answers......not even "A patch will possibly come out = X". the way I see it the whole community would back off if they even aknowledged the thread, and gave some half-assed reply. I think you guys might be spoiled by Valves sense of the scene.
Bleeder said:
Why is everyone here being so negative? As far as I can tell they are only mad because the head of IW has dissed the modding community and not given them ANY answers......not even "A patch will possibly come out = X". the way I see it the whole community would back off if they even aknowledged the thread, and gave some half-assed reply. I think you guys might be spoiled by Valves sense of the scene.
It's a freaking game, not a workers' strike. That's why it'd be irrational to start a boycott on something so silly. :p
What exactly are they complaining about and why are they making it like it's the Russian revolution?
Bleeder said:
Why is everyone here being so negative? As far as I can tell they are only mad because the head of IW has dissed the modding community and not given them ANY answers......not even "A patch will possibly come out = X". the way I see it the whole community would back off if they even aknowledged the thread, and gave some half-assed reply. I think you guys might be spoiled by Valves sense of the scene.

Read my post and you'll see why.
This, along with the many other reasons, led to Heat of Battle to move from CoD to Source. They got no dev help at all with the original CoD and only predicted the same with CoD2, and look, they were right.
Moto-x_Pat said:
What exactly are they complaining about and why are they making it like it's the Russian revolution?

Read my posts on this thread mate :thumbs:

And again:

sinkoman said:
Read my post and you'll see why.

Like I stated in my post, I think you're being overly negative about it.....I don't think it's immature. Look, it's not like they actually think they are going to shut down IW by doing this, it seems like at this point all they really want is for someone to acknowledge the community, and frankly I don't see that as an unreasonable request.

If IW does NOT handle this well, then I would assume the players who feel slighted will not buy their next title. But how would IW know that people aren't satisfied if nobody "complained"....and how would they know if people were complaining if they aren't even paying attention to their own forums. It only seems fair to me that they might want some sort of recognition that their opinions weren't falling on deaf ears.....or that they were.

One way or the other.....people are allowed to have opinions on things, and they are also allowed to react accordingly, and as far as I'm concerned a "good" game company SHOULD care what it's community thinks. It's a two-way street, if it wasn't for game companies there wouldn't be games for people to play, and if it wasn't for people who play the games there would be no need for game companies.
As CoD2 is not pay to play (as far as i know) it shouldn't really affect them at all, correct? Surely all they care about is that you bought the game upfront.
it hasn't even been out that long and why should you people who have problems with cod2 get special treatment compared to those who have had problems with thousands of games for years ? deal with it, losers, other people do.
destrukt said:
it hasn't even been out that long and why should you people who have problems with cod2 get special treatment compared to those who have had problems with thousands of games for years ? deal with it, losers, other people do.

It helps if you read the linked thread first. First read, then post.
I just saw an article about this on the front page of the UK PCZone magazine's website. If they could get this much publicity this quick, I'd say they're doing a damn fine job.
Apocalypse89 said:
I just saw an article about this on the front page of the UK PCZone magazine's website. If they could get this much publicity this quick, I'd say they're doing a damn fine job.

Agreed. I hope things work out for them though, or at leats get some type of answer.
Bleeder said:
It helps if you read the linked thread first. First read, then post.
i did, they want a statement from them about future patches and so on, and they're upset mp is broken for some of them [which i would be too, no real mod scene [or even acknowledged], but it doesn't warrant this, we've seen broken games before but noone threatened to boycott them, lol].
Normally, I believe these type of actions (like online petitions) to be fruitless.

However, due to this title being from Activision, and the fact that their recent releases have been as good as unfinished, I think they should be woken up to releasing games that aren't 100%.

Part of me wants this to work, the other part doesn't care really. I might play CoD on 360, thats about it.
Apocalypse89 said:
I just saw an article about this on the front page of the UK PCZone magazine's website. If they could get this much publicity this quick, I'd say they're doing a damn fine job.
Really? Becuase the news in these magazines is about 2months out of date, while they release the december issue in like october 29th.