compare Metroid Prime Hunters (Nintendo DS) to Half Life


Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hello - - I'd like to buy Metroid Prime Hunters for my DS. I heard the controls are not as bad as one would imagine .... D-pad to move, stylus to look around, and left should button to pull the trigger. Double click on the touchscreen to jump and click on some touchscreen button to turn into a ball.

My question. Is this game as fun as Half Life?
The controls and online multiplayer are the best part of this game. The one player is nowhere near as good as HL. But still fun.
It isn't a great game in single player - and not a patch on the snes/gba/GC versions - and not worth buying unless you plan to play online imo.
First of all, there is no comparision to Half-Life, it's not even close. Metroid Prime Hunters has a mediocre single player that is really a very torn down, bland version of the single player game in the other Metroid Prime's. The multiplayer is apparently where it's at, but I didn't have much fun with that either. The controls are fine though, and definitely allow for some precise, quick aiming if you are looking for a fast paced online game.
I found it rather fun on multiplayer..I'd buy it if I had the money.