compileing w/ custom textures


Jul 22, 2004
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OK so i take .wad files (HL textures) i add them into hammer 3.5 and when i use them and compile or even if i dont use the texturres and i compile.. when i try to load up my map on condition zero it says cant open name.wad... its annoying so thats why ive only used the original hl textures... yeah i added them to \valve on my halflife folder but it dont work i added them to my \czero folder in steam but im afrade that thats only working for me and if someone else uses the map without the wad in thare \czero folder it will crash... help?
When you compile the map, it uses all the .wads located in your config. All you have to do is take the .wads out of there.
oh so i use custom textures... i compile... and before i actually try to play the map i remove the .wads from my hammer config? thats easy lol ~TY~ :hmph:
ok it dint work it still wants the wad file even thow its allreaddy a bsp
Compile with batch compiler and zoner's tools with the -nowadtextures option.