Completely Awesome Autisim Benefit ended 6 minutes ago.

Jan 27, 2006
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Yea, on comedy centeral over here just like an hour ago, there was an awesome Autisim benefit. And JOHN STEWART hosted it! It was so funny. Who watched it?
I did!

(Now to start the long trek back to 1,000.)
I saw peices of it like the colbert part i didnt know if it was live or just a rerun. meehz
I saw Ricky Gervais on there and it was alright, I'll catch a replay of it this weekend
Ricky Gervais did his stand up routine, was alright, not as good as Animals or Politics though
No doubt it'll be youtubed soon. I don't live in America/Have cable but I really wanted to watch it (<3 Stewart + Colbert). I'ma go on a hunt now actually.
Post what you find! As one who lacks cable and enjoys many of the channels that are solely on cable... I must often resort to youtube to get my fix.