Compound at Night

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kaine904
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I am of the opinion that compound should have a night equivelent, with many many lighting options such as:
light switches
power boxes
destructable lights
spot lights

i dont think we need another "twilight" map, but something that is pitch black without any lights on, something that could add new depth to the map. I mean imagin, cts running with hostages in pitch black with nightvision, then the floodlights come on lighting em up, blinding em, and allowing the terrorists to get a clear shot.
I just think that if the map was edited to include several lighting features, it would be alot of fun, and would give it a new level of tactical prowess.

I just look at that map and see the posibilities already there, so what do u boyos think? :farmer:
Kaine904 said:
I mean imagin, cts running with hostages in pitch black with nightvision, then the floodlights come on lighting em up, blinding em, and allowing the terrorists to get a clear shot.

takes about 0.5 seconds to turn off the NVG's... but if they somehow scripted a flashbang effect it would be different.. however, that would be changing the gameplay too much for CSS
there arn't any good night maps (that I've played) that you really need the nightvision. It's a pity too.
Yeah it really is too bad. The NVG's are a totally useless item...I think that it'd be awsome if somoone could do that, only have the flashbang effect like bliink said.
I've never bought NVG in my years of CS and CSS. What's the point of them if theres no dark maps?
rotterdam was a pretty good night map, but when its night you cant see, which sucks
Kaine904 said:
I am of the opinion that compound should have a night equivelent, with many many lighting options such as:
light switches
power boxes
destructable lights
spot lights

i dont think we need another "twilight" map, but something that is pitch black without any lights on, something that could add new depth to the map. I mean imagin, cts running with hostages in pitch black with nightvision, then the floodlights come on lighting em up, blinding em, and allowing the terrorists to get a clear shot.
I just think that if the map was edited to include several lighting features, it would be alot of fun, and would give it a new level of tactical prowess.

I just look at that map and see the posibilities already there, so what do u boyos think? :farmer:

This is exactly what makes cs what it is. There is none of that switchy shit and none of that unstatic enviornment stuff. The reason CS is the most played tournament game is because its world is static, well balanced, and unmanipulatable. The physics barrels and cabinets in source alone will keep this port in being a tournament favorite because it brings up too many dynamic objects into the game which will make the 1337 nerds complain.
Blakeb155 said:
What's the point of them if theres no dark maps?

To switch them on and off really fast to annoy other players with the sound :E
I agree that NVG and Flashlight are pretty pointless on current official maps.

Maybe Valve should release some maps with pitch black areas or maps that have a night setting. May as well make use of the fancy Source lighting.
I've only ever bought NVG by accident.

It'd be nice to have night-time versions of the maps. The dust maps would look pretty cool at night.
One of my clan mates tried to convert cbble from the sample content into a dark map, it looked ok without nightvision, but nightvision just made the darkness worse.
It would be really nice to have a "night" option on all of the maps, or even a "time of day" kind of thing, ie first round morning, second round afternoon, third round twilight, fourth round complete darkness. I mean, considering almost all of the lighting in source is dynamic, it should be possible to do this relativley easy. And what is this bs about non-static enviroments are bad? Not true, static enviroments are boring, and while i am not talking about a fully dynamic map, i think a map should just be a map, and the lighting stuff should be up to the admin. Imagine train in complete darkness, the gameplay would really be switched up, with outdoor gunfights being completely different than indoor.

If this option could be implemented, so could an enhanced night vision mode where it would be a more realistic version of it, ie light amplification rather than just greyscale image with green overlay, so that intense light on a high amplification setting would bling the user.

Also, it would make a handy time for actually rendering the bullets, i mean, who would just love to see tracers on a night map. I mean, we have muzzle flashes, why not tracers?

The source engine could easily do all of this, with minimal user end crap happening. Not much would actually have to be changed in the code if you wanted just the night modes, a little more though for tracers and night vision.

The big thing here is, its no skin off your back to see something like this happen. If u dont like it, dont use it. There is a seriouse lack of night maps, and which ones are night, are just dim. It sucks, and i like options. Choices are good, and i am of the view that the more static a map, the more exploitable it is. More dynamic switches things up, makes things less pridictable. Changes stratagy on the fly, i mean, the battle plan changes if your target area is lit up like a stadium. Also stealth would become even greater, with CTs cutting generators, using silencers to take out the lights, and with the Ts using the lights to their advantage. It would provide both a more "stealthy" style of gameplay, and discourage camping.

Also, a nice "respawn" system would be interesting, where instead of becoming a player, just go to a place in the map where you could interact inderectly to the map, ie turn lights on, move cameras, and even talk to the players. They would not have unlimited observation powers, with what they see be only whats viewable on ingame security cameras, but something like that would be neat for night games, allow for people to do something during their downtime.
Minigames like pool, blackjack, roulette, and even a target range would be interesting as well. Something that would let the killed players intereact in the game, but not to a level that would hurt the gameplay of people who are ingame.
bliink said:
To switch them on and off really fast to annoy other players with the sound :E


On topic, I think that counter strike should take advantage of the new physics and effects, shooting out lights could change the gameplay, which isn't bad. There should be a variety of maps that use things like this, and the leet losers just dont have to play them during tournaments. Having the ability to block off an entrance or 2 or to shoot out the lights of a building before storming it offer a whole new experience. CS needs a little spice, and frankly, if you dont like the new maps or ideas, shove it and play dust 2.
kmack that was awesome....and about the night vision, I always buy night vision before pownage cept on the REALLy open maps like dust 1 & 2.....try it sometime, put on nightvision and go deagle someone in the back of the's really satisfying.
but really, would any of you object to a feature that would allow the server admin to change the lighting attributes of the current map, ie night, day, destructable lights, lights that can be activated. Things like this would be rather simple to do i think.
I think it would be great, and if you object, screw you go play on a server that doesn't allow for any change in gameplay that might affect your uber-leet score :P
simple yet profound changes...great ideas..if only the |33t peeps weren't so bound by "tradition"
yeh it would be cool...but you know someone would find a way to be a b*tch and exploit it.
Maybe a mod like Insurgency will have it.. I think it was said it wouldnt be in the first release, but I guess it is always possible in future releases.

all of you are saying, thats a great idea, but someone else wont like it or will screw it up, here is what i say, do it first, then figure out what people are doing to screw it up, then screw them. I dont see a single reason why some dedicated person at valve could code this feature into the game in less than a week during their free time.

Hell, i would be willing to pay for the time they would spend coding it, whatever their hourly rate they get to code regular features, i would pay for the time they would do to work on this and make it happen.
simple changes equal greater gameplay
kmack said:
....CS needs a little spice, and frankly, if you dont like the new maps or ideas, shove it and play dust 2.

Agreed, CS1.6 is still around, so if players can't handle the added immersiveness that Source can provide, then don't play it. Source has so much to offer I don't see any reason why mappers shouldn't be trying to add as much playability to the maps as possible.

I'd love to see a bank heist/hostage scenario with CT's able to cut the power to the lights (maybe T's dont get nv, only flashlights) and the T's able to view indoor/outdoor security cameras or something.

They made this fancy new engine for a reason, might as well use it...
i like all these ideas, but there are limitations. for example, different times of day lighting are more difficult than you might expect. You have to re build the lighting for a map with light_environment before it will work.
bliink said:
To switch them on and off really fast to annoy other players with the sound :E

Cool! I'm so buying them now. :P:P
Meh, who needs a kevlar when I've got Night Vision! :sniper:
Of course there are limitations, and maps like those would have to be reworked, but i think the simple benifits far outway any kind of limitations for it, even if it was only used on all new maps, it would still be great.