compression time is long


Aug 11, 2005
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Right. This is the problem.
I am making a garage to go in one of my levels it is all sealed and compiles fine but when i get into cs:s and run it it takes ages to load i noticed in the console it takes ages on compressing a file. Either that or something after that.
Anyway I am woried that this will cause server errors as i have noticed the same problem on other custom maps on my server. This happened after i put sum swinging lights in but i dont realy wana take em out cause they look kl.
Any ideas wats making it go wierd.

this was copied from the console "Compressing fragments (1558 -> 1235 bytes)"

It wasnt the lights i tried removing them and its still buggered.
Hmm i dont think so that its compressing the map file... I think its compressing steam cfg files (that have been fragmented)... Maybe deleting steam, defragging your harddrive and then installing steam and games might help...
trat :) forget it.. misunderstood your problem first... sorry for the inconvenience.